Ruanach – Also known as The Sundered Realm, Ruanach is a fragile nation-state forged a mere thirty years ago out of the union of two rival free cities, Oprawa and Fashranu. These two had long competed for trade and piracy, and each had the reputation of utterly lawless places where one could purchase anything, given enough money. United under a single “Council of Captains”, the two cities have expanded their power landward, creating an energetic new realm on the Hecadian Straits
The Saa’vend Confederation – The Saa’vesh tribes living around the sources of the Argabazos river banded together for mutual protection, founding a small enclave at Eumela.
Sendahl – The plains of Sendahl lie between the forests of Mykele and the jungles of Mekebele. Here, men thrive by their command of riding beasts, most commonly the swift, dinosaur-like “pankas”, long-necked and bird-beaked. The Sendahl are at present little more than a close coalition of disparate tribes.
Sengkar – A wealthy elven realm on the Ymarian Sea. Allied to Marador and Aurdrukar. Sengkar is best known for the Great Library of Ezrand, a magnificent palace of learning and repository of books and scrolls. Foreign scholars are only permitted to travel to Ezrand by invitation.
Shanatar – The great realm at the heart of Vatheria, Shanatar is ruled over by the living God-Emperor, and dominates the nations around it. Shanats are given to long robes and long mustaches. Noble Shanat women wear small veils in public, but commoners do not have this tradition. It is common for women in work in the fields or shops alongside men, but soldiery and trading outside of Shanatar are strictly male endeavors.
Shen’xi – Large human/halfling realm in Changshai, known for its advanced culture and technology. Once much larger than it is now, Shen’xi suffered through a thousand years of civil wars and rival warlords. The people of Shen’xi are rightly proud of their accomplishments and view the rest of the world with a paternalistic sense of ownership. Traditional rivals of the Empire of the Pearl and the now-vanished Soldu Empire.
Shulaskur – A sathla land in the upper Artaxes valley, established and settled by the former Holy See of Udjo. Aldryss, an avatar of the Scaled God led his people to this region in 2916. Allies of Luxur, Drormt and Weshtayo.
Skane – Barbaric raiders at the top of the world, the Skane have long been the scourge of the northwestern coasts. Raiding at will with their sleek longships, the Skane were long the pre-eminent pirates of Medahros. However, several recent wars with Tirgonia have caused a shift in Skane habits, and encouraged these once-fierce warriors to take up farming in the rich, black soil of their homelands.
Suhanir – The only one of the Seven Kingdoms dominated by elves. Suhanir has largely kept out of the wars which have gripped its sister realms. Known for its graceful silks and jewelry, Suhanir is equally competent at forging weapons of war. Legends say that the Kings of Suhanir are descended from dragons.
Targary Tribes – Hobgoblin tribes of northern Serriku have recently banded together at a place called the Oathstone. They are intent on hegemony over all the steppes, and eye the rich lands of Tiringol with hungry desperation.
Tekume – An island-nation of seafaring giants in far eastern Vatheria, east even of the Seven Kingdoms, Tekume nominally follows the dictates of the Dark Court but is really more dedicated to raw power in any form. The magic-loving giants are disdainful of all “lesser races”, save as slaves or soldiers.
Thariyya – A halfling realm at the eastern verge of the Valesian Sea, Thariyya has long been dominated by the three nearby great powers: The Conorrian Empire, Shanatar and Accolon, and has long been a catspaw in the power struggles between the three. Originally a Shanatar province, it was captured by the Conorrian Empire in the Summoning War, and remained a province of that Empire for seven hundred years. Now independent for the last three centuries, it nonetheless retains close ties to the Empire. Thariyyan halflings are excellent sailors and can be found on ships of many nations.
Threns – A human nation on the Hecadian Straits, Threns is a land with a dark past. Ruled for centuries by the cruel dragon Maekroclides and his infamous “Lawgivers”, Threns was liberated by the actions of band of Shanatar knights who slew the dragon and took its mighty hoard back to the God-Emperor. The people of Threns (also called Threns) were immediately attacked by the greedy hobgoblins of the Kolyut Hegemony. The former slaves were quick to defend themselves, vowing never to serve another again. Freedom and “democracy” (actually a form of oligarchic republicanism) are highly prized, as are the services of Adventuring Bands.
Tiringol – A young nation of halfllings north of the Taklamakas mountains and east of Meledrian, they were swayed to the evil of the Dark Court by the same fiery orators and prophets as the elves their neighbors. Long a forest-dwelling folk, the halflings of Tiringol are just now beginning to bring large clearings in their woods under cultivation.
Uheju – One of the Seven Kingdoms, dominated by militaristic hobgoblins. Ruled by a powerful line of sorcerer-queens, the Uheju hobgoblins consider it their destiny to rule all of the Seven Kingdoms. Despite this, they have a long tradition of alliance with Kasadir.
Ukanve – Originally a very small kingdom in the far southeast corner of Vales, Ukanve has grown to become a powerful nation, though still isolated by geography from its neighbors.
Valesian City States – Fractious and brilliant, arrogant and excellent, the people of the Valesian City States have a long history of civil wars, accented by some of the greatest art, philosophy, science and poetry anywhere in the world. One of the oldest Conorrian provinces, the Valesians remain closely linked to the Empire through trade and alliance. Traditional enemies of Accolon, they have fought many battles in the deserts of Ashuman and Zamsh. However, in the wake of the prophet Ionnes, Valesians converted en masse to the worship of the Dark Court and turned against its former allies in the north.
Valraj -Human realm in the far east of Vales. A new kingdom, the Valraj arose out of the scattered human tribes under the leadership genius of Mansoor Vaun. Vaun’s victories have added many regions to his banner, but it remains to be seen if his revolutionary tactics on the battlefield will translate to a stable nation-state.
Vaudan – A Human realm south of the Taklamakas Mountains, containing the sources of the Chamir, Gardagos and Kheleni river systems. Vaudan was a province of Shanatar until the Orgayn Horde shattered the God-Emperor’s realm two centuries ago. The rulers of Vaudan are mostly Orgayns, while the peasantry are largely ethnic Shanats. However, with time the entire region has become fervently Orithian, and has fought off repeated attempts at reconquest by Shanatar. Best known of Vaudan’s forces are the terrifying Doombats, large winged mounts ridden by archers.
Virityal – One of only two civilized orcish realms, Virityal broke free of Rajahdan’s rule shortly after Ahum. For centuries, orcish warlords fought over the land, uniting only to drive off the Sathlas armies of the south. However, a little over a century ago, the realm was united under a single leader known as The Gundarga. This mighty battle leader has remained on the throne for several orcish lifetimes without aging and his iron-fisted rule has brought an unaccustomed order to the orcs.
Wayahapta – Isolated and remote, the nation of Wayahapta has endured for six hundred years in quiet peace and tranquility, troubled by little more than nature and a few cults. Its people, a mixture of humans and halflings, are accomplished architects, and have built one of the greatest temple complexes of all Theeurth in the plains of Kumpawi.
Weshtayo – Remnant of a once-mighty empire recovering from the devastation wrought by a long war with the orcs of the eastern mountains, Weshtayo was driven nearly to destruction, but is once again on the rise. Its people claim descent from the ancient Conorrian generals who drove south fourteen centuries ago in pursuit of their nemesis, the Beltene. Traditional allies of Aurdrukar.
Whisper Wood – Isolationist and xenophobic, the elves of the Whisper Wood have held their home against all invaders for millennia. Not even the Conorrian or Miletian Empires ever took tribute from these unseen masters of the woodland. Occasional allies of the Brythnian Taurids.
Worldspine Orcs – A large and powerful collection of orc tribes dominates the central regions of the Worldspine Mountains. Two generations ago, they were masters of much of the Conorrian Empire in the brief-but-glorious reign of the Orc Dominion. Now the orcs burn with a hatred of the Conorrians, and the Crusader States. In their mountain fastnesses they once more plot total domination.
Yalimiko Tribes – Like the Korodan tribes, the Yalimiko sathla have banded together under a strong warlord to resist the western expansion of the Lekandi elves in Ukele.
Zikuyu – On the banks of the Mogolla river in southeastern Vales lies the human nation of Zikuyu. Until three generations ago, the Zikuyu were nomads, following the herds of buffalo that roamed the wilderness. But their contact with the dwarves of Aurdrukar slowly settled the nomads, who chose this fertile valley to erect their first cities. The Zikuyu are fond of song, dance, and drink, and regard the dour dwarves as wise and learned, but boring. The dwarves, for their part, believe that the buffalo have more discipline than their human hunters, but do enjoy the richly colorful fabrics woven by their Zikuyu proteges.
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Player Cultures:
What follows is a brief summary of the cultures in Lords of Theeurth. For more information on some of these nations, visit the Theeurth RPG site via the link above.
Accolon – Spider-haunted Accolon is dominated by the cruel sorcerers known as the Warlocks. This former Conorrian province now dominates the waters of the eastern Valesian and northern Ymarian seas with pirates and merchants. Traditional enemies of the Valesian City States. Accolon is guarded by mysterious, ancient stone juggernauts known as The Living Rock.
Adoria – The Adorian Alliance, (originally “The Secular Alliance of Adoria and the Grail”) was created by the fusion of the Western Conorrian Protectorate, the Exarchate of Adoria and the Grail Primacy in 2920. Its capital is at Callistus and it carries on the proud traditions of the Conorrian Empire.
Aelissia – Pleasant home of the halflings in western Vatheria, Aelissia guards the entrance to the Golden Sea. Aelissia is made wealthy by some of the richest lands in all of the Successor States. Elected representatives of each village and town form the ruling Meet. Traditional allies of Corland.
Ahandu – One of the Seven Kingdoms, Ahandu is a nation of Sauruses situated on the shores of the Dragon Reach around the mouth of the Kheleni river. Once peaceful and agrarian, Ahandu has weathered many invasions over the last two centuries. Its tradition of female rule collapsed during the last war with Kasadir a century ago and the Saurus kingdom is now dominated by an aggressive and exclusive body of male warriors.
Ahum – Once, the elves and halflings of Ahum were slaves, held in bondage by the the Sathlas of Rajahdan. Five centuries ago, the slaves rose up and slew their masters, driving them back towards the Sudarsh river. Today, Ahum is a civilized nation that lives in uneasy truce with its former overlords.
Ahuran – Ahuran is a nation ruled by women. It is highly civilized and ruled by a rigid feudal aristocracy of soldiers, knights, warlords, priestesses and the royal family. The code of Parmaadan, or “The Soul of the Warrior” rules all aspects of society. This code spells out in intricate and difficult detail the required behavior between various members of different members of Ahuran society, and requires a rigid dedication to the queen and to personal honor. An Ahuran is expected to prefer death over dishonor, and to disdain foreigners for their lax ways and failure to follow the strictures of Parmaadan.
Amantai – Amantai is a human realm recovering from a long civil war. Once, it dominated most of the forests of the Dragon Reach Peninsula, but has since lost most of its territory to the Dark Court cults to the east and to rebels in the south. The old line of kings, which stretched back into the mists of legend, has been extinguished. The new king was elevated in his youth by the acclimation of his armies. His career has been marked by a long struggle against the Dark Court.
Anku Elevya – Ancient home of the Sauruses along the boggy banks of the Nhodras River where it flows into the Sapphire Sound. Anku Elevya is land of rich forests and fertile fields. The ancient Saurus matriarchy has imparted both wealth and stability to this humid land for a thousand years.
Annvar – Isolationist, xenophobic and controlled with an iron fist, Annvar is a nation of clean, spartan towns and a hushed pall of fear. Those who raise the interest of the ruling archons disappear in the night, and bards and artisans are not welcome. Enemies of Celendor, and occasional enemies of Carhallas.
Ascarlon – Dark heart of evil, once-great Ascarlon is once more on the rise. Allegedly ruled by vampire lords, the armies of Ascarlon contain many dead who once marched in the armies of the nation’s enemies. Ascarlon is best known for its use of subtler means than direct warfare, and its assassins are feared by all who hear their name.
Aurdrukar – One of two great dwarven nations in Vatheria, Aurdrukar is sometimes known as The IronThrone. Unyielding and unforgiving, sturdy and steadfast, the folk of Aurdrukar are the very epitome of dwarvish culture. The gold mines of Vilhiya have been yielding steady profits to the Lords of the Iron Throne for centuries.
Brythnia – For thousands of years, the centaurs and minotaurs of this land east of the Golden Sea have been ruled by a single Priestess-Queen. Long a Conorrian province, the Brythnians cared little for which overlord claimed to rule them, so long as their hills and plains were left in peace. Brythnia’s geographical importance long made it a center of trade, something largely ignored by the natives until the nation’s independence from the cruel tyranny of the dragon Vallordraumoth the Emerald a century ago. The great road that runs all the way from the Conorrian Empire in the south to the forests of Tirgonia in the north is known as the via Brythnia.
Carhallas Empire – One of Vatheria’s greatest empires, Carhallas is a cruel, powerful and rigidly-organized military machine. It is dominated by the hobgoblin descendants of the Kazimak Horde that stormed out of the Taklamakas mountains eight hundred years ago. Traditional enemies of Celendor, Carhallas is also frequently at war with its other neighbors, Ascarlon, Annvar, the Conorrian Empire and the Rhanalorian nomads.
Choran – A small but vibrant collection of city states situated on the southeastern coast of Serikku, Choran is known for its merchants and traders. Closely related to the Khaynds of Ploum, the Choranese have nonetheless formed a powerful trade relationship with the large empires of Changshai.
Conorrian Empire – This great empire was once much greater, stretching from Tirgonia in the north to Luxur in the south, and from Ahuran to the Shanatar border. Successive wars, invasions and natural disasters have left the Empire much reduced. It is still, however, one of the great powers of the world and spiritual home of the Great Church. Citizens of the Empire believe that their emperor is the rightful regent of the gods. The armies of Conorria are still among the most disciplined in the world, and the Imperial War Wizards are feared on every battlefield. It suffered a major civil war beginning in 2908.
The Eastern Conorrian Empire –This splinter realm resulted from the revolt of Senator (now Emperor) Draximus after the death of Emperor Arcalas. Centered around the rich provinces in of the east, it is now a significant regional power in the eastern Valesian Sea.
Corland – Most people regard the fall of beautiful Corland to the vile Har’keen as a great and tragic tale. The Corish themselves would vehemently disagree. Corland has not fallen, they would point out, and struggles on despite the terrible loss of its southern half to the alien invaders. Once a pleasant land of sun and song and the world’s finest wines, Corland is now an armed camp, facing their foes across the swift-flowing Saronne river. Several storied orders of knighthood still flourish in Corland.
Crusader States – Between the Lyodan and the Phaedon rivers lies the collection of fiefdoms known as the Crusader States. When the Great Crusade, made up of knights and men-at-arms from Lorraine, Corland, Aelissia, Harkoria and Tirgonia, helped drive the invaders from the Empire and broke the back of the Orc Dominion, the Conorrian Emperor granted this vast swath of land to the western knights to hold in his name. The Crusader States are lightly populated, but relatively heavily armed. Traditional enemy of Ianthe and allied to the Conorrian Empire.
Dhûnazhar – The Kingdom Under the Mountain is a powerful dwarven realm in the eastern Worldspine mountains. Constantly at war with the orcs and giants of the Worldspines, the industrious dwarves produce some of the finest arms and armor in all of Theeurth. Traditional allies of the Conorrian Empire.
Drormt – In the heart of the swamp known as the Great Erm lies the primitive nation of Sauruses named Drormt. What little contact these savages have historically had with the outside world consists almost entirely of selling rare herbs and fish to the markets in Khefers. However, a recent war with Luxur and Mykele has now been settled with the agreement by the sauruses of Drormt to convert to Autumna.
The Edgemoor Orcs – Dangerous, savage and utterly without pity, the orcs of the Edgemoor Mountains have long been the scourge of both the Successor States and the Hammersea Region. Occasional allies to Daerond and Ascarlon, they are nonetheless not above raiding either region as easily as their more traditional enemies in Tirgonia and Harkoria.
The Exarchate of Edhledhas – Founded in 2906 by refugees from the fall of Celendor. These elves are just beginning to re-establish themselves in the northeastern woods of Conorria.
Farmuz – The sparsely-populated desert region located between the Anvil of the Gods and Shanatar is the Shining Kingdom of Farmuz. Once the southeastern-most of Conorrias provinces, it has always been a place of commerce and strategy. Throughout most of its history, Farmuz has been surrounded by larger neighbors and has kept its autonomy through a careful balancing act. In addition to skillful politics, would-be invaders are deterred by the close relationship of the magi of Farmuz with the djinni, the spirits of the elements, particularly with those of fire.
Farmuz is ruled by noblemen called emirs, each of whom leads a city or a desert tribe. The emir of Azhkatûm is generally the most powerful, and is known as the Sultan, the acknowledged senior emir. This is not the same thing as being the ruler of Farmuz, but the distinction is generally lost on outsiders.
Gardagos – This recently-settled region on the Gardagos river is the home of the Faithful, an Orithian sect that broke away from the Dragon Reach nation of Kasadir for what it deemed Kasadir’s impiety. Aided by the Orithian elves of Mainos, the Faithful of Gardagos are attempting to settle among the savage Serriku tribes.
Har’akir – The very name Harakir conjures images of mighty sorcery, devious genies and smoky, bejeweled temples to strange gods. It is known for its exotic markets, fine crafts and superb shipwrights. But most of all it is known for its fabled wealth and mysterious isolation. The name itself means The Sheltered Land. Honor is the chief virtue for the Akir. All actions contain either honor or dishonor, and must be judged accordingly. Wisdom and strength are considered to be nothing without honor. Akir tales tell of warriors who brave death rather than break their word, or of maidens who seek the advice of dragons on a particularly difficult point of honor. Most Akir will go to great lengths to avoid the stain of dishonor.
Harkorian League – Situated on the north shore of the Golden Sea, the Harkorian League is a collection of independent city-states struggling to recover from centuries of terrible oppression and slavery at the hands of the Daerond Empire. Its once-great cities are now largely ruins, and its fabled merchant navy is now but a pale reflection of its former glory.
The League is trying to rebuild itself amidst the destruction of its traditional ruling class. At the same time, it is struggling with powerful monsters in the east along the Edgemoor Mountains and the rising power of the Mahadran pirates in the west. Then too, there are bandits throughout the League. Desperate and dangerous, many of them are deserters from the armies of the League or of Daerond. There is much work to be done for those brave enough to seek their fortunes here.
Hecadia – At the eastern end of the Ymarian Sea lies a powerful trading nation ruled by a human/halfling coalition. Hecadia is a relatively young nation, having emerged from the rule of Shanatar only one hundred fifty years ago. Hecadia is best known for its trade in valuable spices and citrus fruits.
Kasadir – Situated northwest of the Sea of Dreams, wild Kasadir is one of the fabled Seven Kingdoms. It is based upon a stable alliance of men and hobgoblins. Kasadir is the traditional rival of Ahandu and traditionally friendly with Uheju, despite having arisen out of a rebellion against Uheju rule three centuries ago. The Kasadir are famous woodsmen and woodcarvers.
Kerendis – Situated in the middle of the Ymarian Sea, Kerendis a growing power that was once a client state to Accolon. This land of gentle beaches and rugged upland forests long provided much of that desert land’s timber and other natural resources. Now, however, Kerendis has begun to style itself after the ancient Conorrian model, with a senate at Orbelain and legions of well-trained infantry. The Kerends are fervent believers in the Dark Court, and the an oath of faith is required of all landowners, soldiers and civil servants.
Kherouf– In the depths of time the ancient realm of Numanthaur helped to spark the war that ended the ancient world and trigger the Wrath of the Gods. Millennia passed and the Numan peoples forgot most of the lore of their ancestors. But the memory of wealth and power lived on in the green valleys of Kherouf.
In the ages before the rise of Conorria, the Shadowmasters unleashed their terrible shadows on Kherouf, slaying most of the population. In order to survive, the Kheroufi wizard-priests made a pact with the Demon-Prince Malphegor. That powerful entity moved the entire realm of Kherouf away from Theeurth and into a pocket dimension where it lived out the ensuing millennia in safety. Empires came and went, wars and prosperity, famine and plenty and the people of Kherouf forgot all but the dimmest legends of the world they came from. Then came the day when the pact with Malphegor ended. Five thousand and one years had passed and Kherouf was unceremoniously shunted back into the world of its birth in the year 2916.
Khudukan – A nation of dwarves in eastern Changshai, they are reclusive and defense-minded in the extreme. From their capital at Nodo-xan come some of the finest jewelry, arms and armor in all Chanshai.
Kolyut Hegemony – A nation of hobgoblins that bestrides the neck of the Changshai peninsula, the Kolyuts are a race organized into a brutal hierarchy and view all non-hobgoblins as either enemies or slaves. The dark and eerie beauty of the Great Cathedral at Iratush is a whispered legend throughout the region. The Kolyuts are prolific raiders, slavers and pirates with a reputation for fanatical devotion to the Dark Court. They are traditional enemies of Shen’xi, and maintain an uneasy, watchful peace with Threns.
Korodan – The Korodan tribes are a confederation of sathla in western Ukele, banded together in response to the rising power of the Lekandi elves in the east.
Korondor – A dwarven realm delving below the hills of Permanga. Long ago the elves of Celendor brought the worship of the Lords of the Grail to the dwarves during one of their infrequent trading voyages, and the stout-hearted warriors and miners took to the religion readily, abandoning their ancient spirit cults with abandon. Now through isolation their practices have differed sharply from anything recognized in Conorria or Celendor, but the are believers all the same.
Lekandi – A nation of wild elves in the jungles of eastern Ukele. Scholars are uncertain of the origins of these dusky-skinned elves, but some believe that they were a branch of the elven family that had become sundered from the elves of Vatheria long before the Wrath of the Gods shattered that continent ages ago. Unfriendly and secretive, even towards other elves, the Lekandi are masters of the jungle environment, and build their cities amidst the boles of gigantic jungle trees. They worship a variety of jungle spirits, particularly a spirit of Lake Itaka known as Umao. The Lekandi are enemies of the Sathlas of Fikosha.
Llyran Republic – Long a province of the Conorrian Empire, the Llyran islands are peopled by descendants of the survivors of the Wrath of the Gods. The nation, often called a magocracy, is actually an oligarchy, ruled over by a small group of wealthy and influential families. A very large minority of Llyrans exhibit at least some magical ability, and any with this ability receive a mandatory free education in its use. Many of Theeurth’s greatest archmages are from the Llyran Republic. Among the most famous symbols of Llyran magical prowess are the famous Skyships. The Llyran Republic is a traditional ally of Har’Akir and the Conorrian Empire, and the traditional enemy of Ianthe.
Lorraine – A wild, rugged land on the western edge of civilization, Lorraine was only partly settled by the Conorrian legions, or the Miletian Empire that ruled the west after the Mage Wars. A land of master sailors and hardy settlers, Lorraine has fought wars with both Corland and Ahuran in recent centuries, but now aids Corland against the Har’keen threat. Lorraine is home to an order of Knighthood known as the “Order of the Golden Lance” made famous by their valor in the Great Crusade earlier in the century.
Lulipayat – A nation of sathla in eastern Changshai. Unlike their aggressive Rajad brethren across the sea to the west, the Lulipayat sathla have always been fairly peaceful and agrarian, trading with their neighbors but otherwise taking little interest in the outside world. The sathla of Lulipayat are brightly colored and fond of shell and bead jewelry.
Luxur – An ancient human realm set on the fertile flood plains of the Artaxes river, Luxur has recently been overrun by Sathlas, who claim the realm as part of their ancient, stolen heritage. This claim seems to have been bolstered by the recent uncovering of ancient Sathla tombs along the valley walls. Formerly allied to Har’akir, Luxur is now allied to Mykele and frequently at war with Keferis over the city of Merwal in Habu.
Mainos – Sitting astride the mighty Kheleni river in central Serriku, Mainos is a sparsely-populated land with significant natural wealth. The Mainans are elves who once lived in Shanatar, but were exiled for the sin of failing to worship the God-Emperor. Having tamed the Kheleni valley, the Mainans are now an emerging power and a bridge between central Vatheria and the Seven Kingdoms. Most Mainans are fanatical followers of the chariot races, betting heavily on favored teams which are closely identified with various political and social factions within Mainan society.
Marador – No tale in Theeurth possesses the capacity to chill the spine of the hearer more than that of the Shadows of Marador. Ancient, hungering, alien evils kept penned in by awesome magic, released once only since the Wrath of the Gods, and then nearly driving the mighty Conorrian Empire to its knees. Entombed once again in the Shadowlands with their undying lord, they have slumbered fitfully for thirteen centuries. Charged with keeping eternal watch over the evil plain are the elves of Marador, grim watchers in the mist, lords of vale and woodland.
Mekebele – In the heart of the great southern jungles and along the coast of the Vine Sea lies the hidden kingdom of Mekebele. Experts in hunting and the lore of plants, the warlike Mekebele are best known as fierce warriors and masters of the N’doke, the great flying reptiles of the jungle.
Meledrian – An isolated elven realm situated at the northeasternmost end of Medarhos. Once a part of the mighty nation of Celendor, Meledrian split from Celendor decades ago and is currently engaged in a bloody civil war with that nation.
Meneen – A nation of elves situated in the islands of the Ymarian Sea. Once resident in far-southern Vales, they moved their entire nation to take advantage of the busy waterways and growing economic power of the many empires on the Ymarian Sea. Having survived a war with the Valraj which destroyed their Tas Dari allies, the elves of Meneen now look forward to an uncertain future in the midst of larger empires.
Mogodor – Centermost and oldest of the Seven Kingdoms, Mogodor is a human realm best known for trade and diplomacy than for warfare. Mogodor once stretched from the Denyema Sea to the Krathos Sea and from the Dragon Reach to the shores of Hawanju Bay. Great waves of Serriku barbarians all but ended the ancient realm, leaving only a remnant on the shore of the Sea of Dreams. But the firm will of the Beylit (the line of the kings) and the native Mogodor ability to trade has slowly brought the realm back to life. Now firmly allied to the Sauruses of Ahandu and enjoying close trading ties with each of the Seven Kingdoms, Mogodor is once again a place of bustling, vibrant energy.
Mykele – A small realm of Sathlas, inspired by the successful conquest of Luxur. From the ancient city of Oroyon, Mykele has reached out to the wild Sathlas of the forests to spread the word of the New Age – an age once again ruled by the serpent-men. The Sathlas of Mykele are among the most aggressive and worldly of their race. They have even built a fleet of swift raiders which ply the Pale Sea and the great shipping routes of the north.
Neldorean Wood – For millennia, the elves of the Neldorean Wood have kept to themselves, jealously guarding their woods from all trespassers and taking little note of the world beyond. However, pressure from both Ianthe and H’rethek have forced these once-quiet people to take an increasingly aggressive stand to preserve their woodland home. The Neldorean elves are smaller and more lithe than their Celendor cousins, preferring garments of grays and browns. Their cities are built in the great caverns that run throughout the region.
Nikitya – A small human realm at the western edge of the island-continent of Permanga. The lives of the Nikityans are dominated by the icy waters of their home and the long, cold winters that shroud villages in snow for up to six months of the year. Whalers, raiders and traders, the Nikitya are used to harsh and unforgiving conditions, but are also lovers of song and poetry. Bouts of outrageous boasting are a common form of entertainment.
Nuitai – Born in a rebellion against Amantai to the north, Nuitai has spent most of its history in the shadow of larger kingdoms, and warring against the influence of the Dark Court. Best known for its superb silk weaving and the purple dyes much in demand throughout Vatheria.
Pearl Empire – A land of where Honor is stronger than steel, the silk-clad elven warriors of the Empire are each sworn to serve their lords with absolute loyalty. Each warrior is a student of both war and philosophy, often becoming a master of some craft such as painting, bronze-working, poetry or gardening, in which each struggles to achieve an inner ideal of perfection. The people of the Empire are deeply xenophobic, believing that elves alone are capable of the refinement, grace and dedication that mark the truly cultured being.
Pelendur – Also known as The Hidden Realm, Pelendur is a human nation that exists in a broad valley surrounded by the Taklamakas mountains and guarded with jealous vigilance. A land long allied with Celendor and protected from the outside world, Pelendur has existed for more than eight hundred years in quiet isolation. Those that know of it debate what secrets it has to protect. Unlikely legends are told of a fabulous relic of the gods hidden in some remote temple.
Rajahdan – Mighty Rajahdan, an old and powerful colossus of the south. The fields and forests of this teem with cunning Sathlas and their slaves. Mighty temples and palaces loom over marbled cities in the bejeweled arrogance of ancient wealth and unrivaled power. The Sathlas of Rajahdan need not dream of empires lost, for theirs never was. The Sathlas of Rajahdan are cultured, educated, and fond of cruel amusements. A powerful military and strong merchant houses procure for their masters anything they desire.
Vanished Nations –
Airnim Tribes – This loose collection of nomadic tribes is one of the dominant races of the Rhanalorian plains of northern Vatheria. Once obscure, it rose to prominence earlier in the century when it shattered the might of both the Carhallas Empire and its client state the Orc Dominion. For reasons of their own, these masters of horse then simply returned to their ancestral ways on the windy steppe of Rhanalor. In 2780, they went on the move again, shattering Maekras, Ascarlon and Ianthe, and invading the Conorrian Empire. They returned to a pastoral life in the fields of Naushqa in 2843 and vanished completely in 2850.
Akkagekku – A small but wealthy elvish nation on the far eastern shore of Changhsai. Related to the elves of the Pearl by blood, but a separate nation for centuries. Destroyed during the War of the Pearl (2880-2894) by the Empire of the Pearl and the dwarves of Khudukan.
- Black Banner Rebels – A splinter empire in the Daerond Civil War (2814-2823). Led by the terrifying entity known as Null, it was defeated by a joint Daerond/Ascarlon army at the Great Rift in 2823.
- Borokoth – The Reformed Empire of Borokoth was a splinter state in the Carhallas civil war ( 2783-2791). Unreasonably high taxes in Carhallas led the western regions to declare their independence. Rather than bring them back into the Empire, the legions of Carhallas enslaved them all at sword-point.
Celendor – Oldest of Theeurth’s nations, its residents claimed that their ancestors first settled the great wood ages before the coming of man to Theeurth, when the world was young and the gods still walked its surface. The elves of Celendor were powerful, ancient and, in their own estimation, superior to any race that walks the face of Theeurth. Celendor was shattered in 2858 by a Dark Court coalition of Meledrian, Annvar and Carhallas and destroyed in 2905 by the same antagonists.
- Daerond – Largest and strongest of the northern successor states, the Holy Empire of Daerond was a bastion of evil. From the iron citadel ofAicherai to the slave pits of the Ashen mountains, the orcs and men of Daerond labored ceaselessly to bring the Successor States under their dominion. Daerond was ruled by thirteen Black Dukes, the feared leaders of the thirteen great houses of Daerond. Just before its destruction it was named an Empire. It was destroyed by the Tirgonian/Harkorian alliance in 2844.
- Dark Court Primacy – The word of the Dark Court on Theeurth, the Dark Primacy is based in its holy city of Dammarask in Accolon. Traditional allies of Accolon and Kerendis, it is the implacable foe of the Great Church and the Conorrian Empire. Retired 2920.
- Duskwood Reavers of Azhran – A small religious order dedicated to the Dark Court and based in Meledrian and Annvar. Retired 2920.
- Eumana – A small breakaway state in southeastern Accolon, The Theocracy of Eumana was essentially a heretical movement within the Dark Court. Crushed in 2803, its worshipers lingered in dark places for many more decades.
- Fikosha . This relatively recent kingdom is named after the ancient Sathlas empire that once ruled all of the island-continent of Ukele. Situated on the western shores of Lake Itaka, Fikosha was dedicated to the return of the power of its namesake. It was the traditional enemy of the elves of Lekandi. The Sathlas of Fikosha worked tirelessly in their steaming jungle cities to uncover the lost secrets of the great sorcery of their ancestors. They were destroyed by Lekandi in 2814.
The Great Church of the Grail – Also known as The Grail Primacy and simply The Great Church, this is the largest and most influential religion in all of Theeurth. As priests to the millions loyal to the gods known as the Lords of the Grail, the members of the Great Church are common in dozens of nations across the breadth of Theeurth. From their ancient holy city of Conorr, they have spread out across the land, along with the rest of Conorrian culture, and become a crucial part of the lives of many nations. The Great Church was the fast ally of the Conorrian Empire, and the firm foe of all who worship the Dark Court and other, less obvious, heresies. Retired 2920.
Holy See of Udjo – The Autumna primacy, based in the holy city of Merwal. Retired 2920.
- Ianthe – Between the wide Lyodan river and the dense Neldorean woods lies the broad coastal plain of Ianthe (pronounced “ee-OHN-thuh”). Ianthe was a warlike nation famous the strange magic of its nobility and for its constant wars with its neighbors. The Ianthans are largely of Conorrian descent, and consider themselves to be superior to all other humans and vastly superior to all non-human races. Ianthans had a large slave population, made up of foreigners, who tilled the soil and toil in the deep Aoelan rifts. The slaves outnumbered the Ianthans by a considerable number.
Because of this, Ianthe had developed a highly structured and warlike society. All male citizens were trained in one of three disciplines: war, wizardry or the priesthood. Warriors served the state until their thirtieth birthday, when they were allowed to retire and take a wife. Wizards and priests served the state for life, and were never allowed to marry, though they were allowed many comforts not afforded to the common Ianthan. All Ianthan citizens, both male and female, were tested at the age of seven for any sign of sorcerous ability. Those who showed signs of sorcery were put to death. Ianthe was overrun by the Airnim Horde in 2808.
- Keferis – A human nation on the Middle Artaxes river. Founded in 2750 by landless Valesian soldiers returning from the Great Crusade, it was at constant war with the sathla of Luxur, for whom the Keferis capital at Merwal was a holy city. Luxurite forces shattered the kingdom of Keferis in a long campaign that ended in 2800 with the retaking of Merwal and the sacking of Khafour.
- Maekras – A once-vital federation of orcish tribes in the fertile plains between the Edgemoor mountains and the Hammersea. The Maekran orcs struggled to overcome their bestial nature and create a civilized society on the model of Daerond. They were overrun by the Airnim Horde in 2783.
- Marrakhan Horde – A large tribe of orcs that invaded Har’akir in 2806. The soldiers of the Red Pact of Vales (Har’akir, Valesia, the Llyran Republic and Thariyya) hunted it down and destroyed it in 2811.
- Ogre Horde – Also called the Yurahtam Horde, this huge collection of orcs and ogres boiled out of the Valesian mountains and invaded the elven realm of Marador, shattering the Maradorian army. It was defeated by a joint Marador/Sengkar army in 2817.
Order of the Dawn – The Holy Order of the Dawn, also known as the “Knights of the Tower of the Dawn” are a religious order dedicated to the Lords of the Grail, and closely allied with both the Great Church and with Crusader States. They grew out of the many chivalric orders which took part in the Great Crusade a half century ago. When the more secular of those knights settled down to form the Crusader States, the more fervently religious among them established The Holy Order of the Dawn in honor of the crusading gods Artorius and Erdhon. The Order, while still new, has already established a reputation for fanatical devotion and tenacious defense.Retired 2920.
- Tas Dar – A small confederacy of human tribes on the south bank of the Rhasdine river, united largely by their fear of the orcs to their west and the rise of the Valraj to their north. The port of Lhoren Dar has traded with merchants from around the Ymarian sea for nearly a thousand years, and Tas Darian sailors can be found in the fleets of Ahum, Ruanach, Meneen and Kerendis. Tas Dar was conquered by The Valraj in 2828.
Tirgonia – Storied realm in the far northwest, high water-mark of Conorrian expansion. Traditional enemies of Daerond. The Tirgonians are a hardy, independent lot with a long history of struggle against their neighbors. The city of Alqualondë is one of the few locations visited by elven ships out of the west. Tirgonia was destroyed in 2872 by the Skane and the Edgemoor Orcs.
- Torquas – A powerful tribe of orcs living in the hills and woods east of Aurdrukar. Unique among orcs in that they did not worship the Dark Court, they nonetheless were driven out of their homes by the powerful empire of Sengkar. Uprooted, the Torquans crossed the mountains and descended on small Ukanve. The men of Ukanve proved to be quite tough, however, and shattered the Torquan tribes in 2806.
Page Created 13 March 2005 Page Last Updated 25 October 2009