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Turn Nineteen Newsfax
(A.C. 2871-2875)
he count Rollanz, though blood his mouth doth stain,And burst are both the temples of his brain,His olifant he sounds with grief and pain;Charles hath heard, listen the Franks again.”That horn,” the King says, “hath a mighty strain!”Answers Duke Neimes: “A baron blows with pain!Battle is there, indeed I see it plain,He is betrayed, by one that still doth feign.Equip you, sir, cry out your old refrain,That noble band, go succour them amain!Enough you’ve heard how Rollant doth complain.” Le Chanson de Roland GM’S NOTES
1. I have long felt that I made a mistake allowing elves to make as much Agro in forests as they do. The modifiers for elven forest are now the same as for dwarven hills and saurus swamps.
2. New Rule – Nations (of any sort) may not stockpile more NFP than three times their replacement (but can always stockpile up to 10 NFP, even if this violates the rule). Any excess is lost. Nations may continue to stockpile vast hoards of treasure at will.
3) New Rule – Offers of royal marriage will only be useful as a Diplomacy tool when made to a region dominated by the same species, even if the nation is Cosmopolitan.
4) New Rule – All nations begin the game with rutters for all seazones within [Trade Range] of their controlled Port Cities. In addition to Exploring for additional rutters yourself, you may trade rutters with other Nations. To trade rRutters with another Empire, you must pen and ink enough Maps to spread throughout a Kingdom. This is done by constructing the ‘Seazone Rutter’ at a cost of 10 GP and 1 NFP. Once given or sold to another nation, these Seazone Rutters may be disbanded to add the rutter to the receivers sheet. Rutters may be transferred along a Trade Route. Transferred rutters are automatically disbanded in the same turn unless noted otherwise by the receiving player.
5) I very much appreciate when you put the words “continuing” or “completed” next to your project investments! Especially if its true!
North-Western Medarhos
The Skane Jarldoms – Ruler – King Gustav Capital – Vanaheim Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Medahros Spirit Cult Diplomacy – Tigelion [T / -UN], Tirgon [+9YfC] |
The growing and dynamic Skane people, having spread far beyond their traditional boundaries, were beginning to splinter into tribes and clans, paying little heed to the weak central government in Vanaheim. Therefore, King Yars sent out many sheriffs and armed nobles to bring his fractious folk back into the fold. Meanwhile, Skaneholme had suffered mightily when the Grail fleet attacked it, and there were many farmsteads to rebuild and wells to unclog. The Skane slowly got to it.
Yars ordered that Bishop Dorus, a Grail leader, be released from the dungeons of Vanaheim. He wwas deeply embarrassed when it was revealed that the bishop had died during the previous harsh winter in captivity. Prince Hanest convinced the lords of Tigelion to pay tribute to his father. As a reward for his cooperation, the son of Tigelion’s baron was permitted to marry Hilda, Yars’s and Hanest’s sister. Hanest died in 2873, leaving the Skane without an heir, which would have fateful consequences the following year. Rastov the Vile, Lord of Foldbjerg, died in that same year, leaving his province to King Yars in his will. Lady Vessa, a fiercely handsome woman in middle age, charmed the nobility of Tirgon with her festive parties and her charity to the poor. She became welcome at many influential houses in the city. Meanwhile, Prince Gustav, brother to both Hanest and Yars, arranged the marriage of his sister Loa to an important chieftain in the Crown Lands. Loa, unfortunately, died of the flu in 2875. Jarl Yentz remained in Tirgon with the bulk of the Skane army until his death in a fishing accident in 2874. |
Princess Helga was sent to explore the frigid tundra of Nordmark.
King Yars ruled in Tirgon, fathering three daughters on young wife, Frija. He died of a sudden stroke in 2874, leaving the Skane without an obvious leader. Prince Gustav immediately claimed the throne for himself, but Queen Frija objected, claiming it for her three infant daughters. In this she was supported by Lady Vessa and Gustav’s sister Helga, who had suddenly reappeared out of the north. But Gustav was not to be gainsaid. Assisted by Rasmus Whitewing, he seized the bulk of the army standing in Tirgon, left a skeleton force to maintain the conquest, as marched north to seize Vanaheim, which he did with ease. Queen Frija and her three cherubic daughters were locked in Vanaheim’s dungeons along with Gustav’s sister Helga (ironically in the same cell so recently occupied by Bishop Dorus) and declared himself Jarl. To secure the position, he married his brother Hanest’s widow Syra, claiming his right to rule both from her marriage to Hanest and as the surviving male member of the line of Bjarnalf. In the meantime, the folk of Fogense, the Skane March, Suomar and Tigelion all revolted against his heavy-handed rule.
The Kingdom of Tirgonia –
Ruler – King Merrimillien
Capital – Cruachan
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail
With its lands in ruins, the Kingdom of Tirgonia was unable to support its projects or troops. Thousands of soldiers deserted from the Cruachan garrison, the only real Tirgonian stronghold left. The roads, bridges and forts that had once held the proud nation together fell into disuses and were overgrown with weeds and rubble.
Aged king Merrimillien continued to hold sway over a sad little court in the great southern fortress city, dreaming of the lost power of his ancestors. Then, on a foggy autumn morning in 2872, screams brought guards bursting into the king’s bedchamber, where they found the last king of Tirgonia dead, his body having suffered many cuts with a large axe. A burly blond man was seen slipping over the harbor wall and disappearing into the fog. In the wake of the king’s murder, the heart simply went out of the Tirgonian faithful. The |
dukes of Alqualondë, Duncrannoch and the Eastern Marches declared themselves sovereign over their own territory.
The Kingdom of Harkoria-
Ruler –King Sotoris
Capital – Cadares
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail
Diplomacy – Maxis [-]
King Sotoris elevated his seventeen year old son Agathokles to the position of heir. A slight, pale fellow with an unusually large forehead and lank brown hair has surpassed all of his teachers and emerged as one of the most capable wizards in Harkoria.
At about the same time, Harkorian mages formed the national school of wizardry known as Clytheus’s Hold. Agathokles was named its first headmaster. Sotoris spent much of 2871 hunting and hawking with his lieutenant, Leandros. Thereafter, he oversaw the creation of a national census. Leandros went on to govern the city of Morthales. Lord Aeneas arrived at Cadares to take up command of the Harkorian army, although the king retained direct control of the navy. Bishop Thanos traveled to the rebellious region of Maxis to seek a rapprochement with the halflings, but found no one willing to listen to his pious droning. |
The Edgemoor Orcs –
Ruler –King Hauge
Capital – Zaramaka
Dominant Race – Orcs
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
Diplomacy – Maekron [-]
The wily Edgemoor orcs finally ran out of luck at Nivaan. Orcish general Nagel the Quick assembled a force of eighty-five hundred iron-shod orcs to march swiftly from Zaramaka through the hills and into the undefended plains of Nivaan. Fast as his name implied, Nagel was nonetheless several months too late. The Grail Primacy had moved its army of thirteen thousand highly disciplined troops into Nivaan in the opening months of 2871 and lay in wait for the orcs.
Despite the magical sheen of the orcish blades and their large number of light scouts, the Edgemoor army was hopelessly outclassed by the larger, better trained and more elite Grail army. Three thousand grail paladins made up its core, and they were augmented by nearly four thousand mercenary cavalry. When the orcs marched confidently into Nivaan, the humans simply closed around them on all sides and laid waste to the Edgemoor army. Nagel and his entire army were slaughtered to the last orc. The news was also poor on the diplomatic front: The orcs of Maekron refused to listen to the lusty and violent importuning of Taun the Talker. |
South-Western Medarhos
The Brythnian Confederation – Ruler – King Boran Clovenhoof Capital – Carrenthium Dominant Race – Taurid Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Bodhria [A], Vilayan [C], Hailh Endhor [-] |
Minotaur King Boran began to reassemble the pieces of his broken Confederation by diplomatic means. He sent Frona Quickstep, quick-witted and a charming guest, to visit Karideas, the sorcerer-lord of Bodhria, and convince him to ally with the minotaur-king.
Other ambassadors were sadly less accomplished. Kallos Twospot laid claim to Vilayan, though few taurids were about to witness the event. In Hailh Endhor, Eutropios Greymere found no respect at all as the local tribes moved about in the night purposefully to avoid him. There was, however, reason to celebrate in the Taurid Realm. Boran Clovenhoof hired the Runeknights adventuring group and commanded them to recover his lost artifact, The Tablets of Varanthissa. This they did with a bold raid on the elves of Vaanes and with a public flourish, returned the Tablets to the king. |
Aelissia – Ruler –King Clem Plowhorse Capital – The Great Delve Dominant Race – Halfling Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail |
King Clem continued to allow the roads and great religious monuments fall into disrepair. Meanwhile, the son of stout farmers, he put the nation’s treasury to work building farms and villages in Greensward and Seafarthing.
Hayden Blackkettle assembled a force of five thousand halflings at the Great Delve and marched them south the Gate of Bells, forming a permanent southern Aelissian army. Hayden died in 2874 after a long bout with illness. Crowley Ratcatcher, governor of Greensaddle, continued to command the northern forces of the halfling nation. |
Corland – Ruler –Queen Sirienne Capital – Khairais Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Varbonne [T] |
King Bohemund recruited three thousand of the famed Knights of the Font for his personal army and built forts in Couronnais along the fertile banks of the Saronne river.
Bohemund died at the age of fifty-two in 2872 without apparent cause. His eldest son, Bertrand was of age to assume the kingship, but Bohemund had years before named his sister Sirienne as his heir. Many of the Corish nobles disapproved of Sirienne, not for her sex but her age. A childless spinster older than Bohemund (the queen is sixty-one in 2875), Sirienne is also rumored to be a witch, something which makes both nobles and church quite nervous. So heated was the opposition that some even proposed making Bohemund’s eldest child, Princess Beatriz, queen in her place. Beatriz wisely remained quiet and out of sight, though she was known to be in Khairais. Meanwhile, Lords Percivale and Reginald marched into Andelais with three thousand troops to set up a defense of Khairais, lest the Stoneheart giants turn their eyes westward. Percivale died at the age of fifty-four in 2874 when thrown from his horse during a routine march through the Andelais wooods. |
The Sea Empire of Lorraine – Ruler –Empress Ysolde Capital – Armorica Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Malidisant [FA] |
Trying to stabilize her battered nation, young Empress Ysolde spread around the Empire’s scant wealth, improving towns and villages in many regions. She herself went to Malidant to take command of the army. While there, she made an ally of the Duke.
Lord Aiden’s fleet delivered goods and craftsmen to continental territory of Bruyenne. He then traveled to Cassivelaunus with words of alliance, but died during an ill-chosen duel over a lady’s honor shortly after arriving in 2872. Princess Kora, last surviving child of Artorius & Gwynwhfyr died in the capital in 2874. She was sixty-four years old. |
The Whisper Wood – Ruler –Queen Elevuil Capital – Menelcandara Dominant Race – Elf Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail |
Queen Elevuil ruled from Menelcandara and added fifteen hundred elven archers to the city’s garrison.
Lords Vairë and Talorn traveled to the giantish province of the Gold Cliffs and preached the beliefs of the Lords of the Grail. Vairë was an elf-lord possessed of a marvelous speaking voice and an intuitive sense of his audience. He had considerable success in converting the heathen giants. Talorn, on the other hand was far better in close negotiations than in appealing to large crowds. A wrong word about the spirits, hastily and ineptly corrected caused an angry crowd to gather. A few more haughty and poorly-chosen phrases and Talorn was crushed beneath the basalt club of a giant chieftain. Lady Shantera marched over the Lyodan river with three thousand elves in 2871 and marched north to Gistares, where she spent the next several years waiting in vain for the arrival of a Brythnian army which did not arrive. She and her army returned to Menelcandara in 2875. |
The Neldorean Wood – Ruler –Queen Nereil Capital – Elenuil Dominant Race – Elf Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail |
Lord Rumil Ancalimë sailed south from Elenuil in the spring of 2871, daring the rough passages south along the nearly unknown shores of the Valesian continent. By 2872 he and his two small ships were being tossed by the violent storms of the Darsema Sea. One of his two ships never returned from a mission to chart the waters around the island of Villtar. But Rumil and his lone ship did chart those distant waters and continued on in 2873 to chart the waters of the Galderi Coast, as far south as any Neldorean had been in untold centuries. The great explorer returned a hero to the havens of Belfirth in 2875.
Meanwhile, most of his kindred were absorbed by the great war with the Stoneheart giants. The queen and her lieutenant Lossëhelin marched through Leossë Glades with twelve thousand elves, including eight thousand elven archers. Scouts ranged ahead of them, hardy folk of the Glades who knew no home but the deep woods and led by the elf known as the Brown Parker. These spied upon the doings of the giants and informed their immortal queen of all the invader’s defenses. But in the Tarwood, Hræsvelgr Corpse-Swallower had not been idle. His giants and their allies had used their great skill in building to craft elaborate defenses throughout the land, and in hidden redoubts or behind tall walls they waited the return of the elves. That wait was not to be a long one. The elves, swift and almost invisible in the woods, aided by their scouts and the magically-enhanced command of their queen, crept upon the giants almost before the defenders knew they were there and began to pour a deadly rain of arrows through every tiny gap in the giant defenses. As in Belfirth, the giants were a superior army in strength, equipment and leadership. But the elves were masters of the woods and had moreover nearly half again as many troops as the giants. |
Unlike their previous battle, this was no sure thing. From their stout forts the giants slaughtered the elves by the thousands, but still more elves came on. Human and elven cavalry met and fought on the margins, while the giants hurled shield-sized boulders that cracked bone and tree alike. Each and every thrust or maneuver by the elves was met with a ferocious defense and by the late afternoon the woods were stained scarlet with the lifeblood of more than half the Neldorean army. But so great was the elven belief in their commanders and so fearless were the Queen’s Guard of elite elven archers that the elves refused to give way despite their mounting casualties. Little by little, the giants and their allies began to lose heart, despite having hurled back every elven attack. To the fury of Hræsvelgr, his light infantry abandoned their defenses in a rout, followed by his reluctant giants.
Unaware that her opponents were routing, Queen Nereil used the lull in fighting to call for an orderly withdrawal of her forces back into the Leossë Glades. Their measured retreat allowed the elves to render aid to their wounded and gather much of their scattered army. By the fall of 2871, Nereil’s army was able to muster a full eight thousand elves. The giants, meanwhile, had suffered only a thousand dead and were able to move back into their defensive lines by the spring of 2872. Neither army seemed inclined to try the other again, and so they sat each in their respective woods and waited.
Meanwhile, Hræsvelgr’s lieutenant Fárbauti (“the Cruel-Striker”) led two thousand light cavalry into the Crystal Shore where they swiftly defeated a small force of eight hundred elven archers led by Jarith Anan. Jarith was captured and killed. Fárbauti then subdued the elves of Manariyë and claimed the Riftmarch for the Stoneheart giants.
The Exarchate of the Great Crusade – Ruler –Exarch Maros Capital – Pontezium Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail |
Exarch Bradley died in 2873 at the age of seventy-one. After a grand state funeral, his son Maros was crowned Exarch. After sending the traditional ration of salt, earth and water to the Emperor at Echoriath, Maros set about enjoying himself and trying to have children. His wife Daris died in childbirth.
Bradley lived long enough to see the terracing projects at the Salt Shore bear fruit (literally and figuratively). The now-cultivated region began producing excellent pears and olives. Maros’s first act on becoming Exarch was to open South Akasia to small farmers and stakeholders, giving each new farmer a mule and as much land as he could clear in a year. He also founded a school of Wizardry in Pontezium. A large chest of gold was given the masters of the Order of the Dawn in memory of the old Exarch. In 2875, the seer Maraun spoke in a voice that chilled the blood of all who heard. “The Sign of the |
Black Queen awakens in the Pit of Gelorum.” The wise say that the Pit of Gelorum refers to the ancient ruins that lay beneath the earth in Barrandia. Those same wise men fear that the “Black Queen” is none other than Evaless, the Dark Court’s Mother of Monsters.
The Holy Order of the Dawn – Ruler –Grand Mistress Praeclarus Capital – The Akasian Hills Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – The Ring of Karduk [OH], The Great Meadow [OH], Conorr [OH], Osca [OH], Risinum [OP] |
The Holy Order concentrated on acquisition – acquisition of gold, land, troops and knowledge. Large grants from the Conorrian Empire, the Great Church, the Crusader States, Har’akir and the Llyran Republic made the previously spartan order richer than it had ever been.
Grand Master Domitius, after blessing the Emperor for his donation, traveled to the wealthy province of Adoria with the intention of establishing a perceptory. Instead, the irascible old man managed to anger nearly all the residents of the city with his demands for land belonging to the commons. His many soldiers were unable to aid the Grand Master against a poisoned cup of wine and the ensuing theft of the Emperor’s donation. Master Benedictus had more luck. After traveling to Lauriacum to assume command of the fourteen thousand troops left there by Grand Mistress Daresia, he garrisoned the wilderness of Firefall East and marched over the Lyodan bridge into Brythnia. |
The last time an order army had entered Brythnia it had resulted in total disaster, and Benedictus’s line of march took him past the green hill that had grown over the bodies near the river. But his march was peaceful, and he established an order house in the Great Meadow.
Back at the Akasian Hills, Master Benedictus and Master Giles sorted out the command of the military. Benedictus commanded the Order’s seventeen thousand infantry while Giles took command of the ten thousand cavalry (including six thousand Knights of the Golden Dawn)
Mistress Praeclaria visited the Holy Patriarch in Conorr, receiving from him a vast fortune as a donation to the Order. She established an order house in the Grail’s holiest city, then traveled north, strengthening the Order in Osca and Risinum before returning to the Akasian Hills. Despite being the newest Master, Praeclaria was easily the most charismatic of the Order’s senior leaders. Within months after Domitius’s assassination, she had secured the post for herself.
The Shadowed Realm of Ascarlon – Ruler –Baron Gauros the Arisen Capital – Denavine Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – The Dark Court |
The Baron and his fellow sorcerers, Erekhad and Mezger of Hildreth led the Ascar demonologists in a grand summoning, bringing to Theeurth the Edoil, a race from beyond the veil of time which built several blasphemous temples across the Orodea countryside.
Gauros then took four thousand soldiers and twenty-five light ships up the Raethalas River. He landed at Gwaelod Hen and after slaughtering the tribal chieftains and scattering their militia, he enslaved the region’s population. He then marched north into Lidalya and did the same thing. He returned to Ascarlon, his ships laden with slaves. These slaves were put to work in the fields of Dhurkun and Mahant. Similarly, Lord Erekhad led out the allied armies |
with a further twenty-five ships and landed at Sargari on the mouth of the Mistriven river. After conquering and enslaving that region, the armies marched east to Sauromatae and accomplished the same thing. Only at Sauromatae did they encounter any real resistance, and general Erekhad was killed before the locals were subdued. These slaves, too, were bound for the plantations of Dhurkun and Mahant.
Ascar missionaries in the Sinking Land and Kemali received an icy reception.
Prince Vabanne governed Denavine in the name of the Baron. Vaardes of the Black Forest governed Caer Thorne and did so with cruel and greedy abandon.
The Worldspine Orcs –
Ruler –King Mankiller
Capital – Mount Kauroth
Dominant Race – Orc
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
General Mankiller recruited four thousand goblins and disappeared into the hills of Vilcea, only to reappear in 2873 to raid the Harkorian forests of Vaanes, Viator and Malcian. Though the raids garnered almost nothing of wealth, they sated the orcish taste for blood and that was why King Squint had sent them in the first place.
Speaking of Squint Honeytongue, he died childless and nearly powerless in 2874. When Mankiller returned home, he slew each and every one of Squint’s children, bedded his wives and declared himself king. There was much revelry in Mount Kauroth. Meanwhile, far to the west, the Rimehorns refused to recognize the king as their ruler. Having no physical connection between the two sides of his kingdom was proving bothersome to the new monarch. |
The Empire of Carhallas – Ruler –Emperor Maugroth III Capital – Carcaroth Dominant Race – Hobgoblin Dominant Religion – The Dark Court |
The Emperor returned to the tedium of ruling from the Vulture Throne. He raised his son and namesake Maugroth to the position of heir, and his younger son Reor to Prince of the realm. Uncharacteristically merciful, he allowed general Durath to keep his head, ordering him south to punish the Jurathi tribes in Adumar.
With eight thousand riders, the hobgoblins rode down on the human nomads. Once again, Jurathi solidarity was strong and more than five thousand horsemen from Adumar, Lauorth and Jurath appeared to contest their passage. But though the nomads knew the terrain well, their commander was a reckless youth with a foolish disdain for the northern “savages”. This mistake cost him and many thousands of his tribesmen their lives. Durath made good his oath to the Emperor. After scattering the Jurathi, he looted and enslaved Adumar and put the captives to work building a road to the new port fortress at the headwaters of the Manndaran river. Meanwhile, the Emperor summoned his feudal vassals and set them to work punishing the rebels in Zhagon, Nangoreb, Hoar and Wexxroth. This they did with a surprising efficiency, defeating the local militias and looting the land. |
In the east, general Nadrauth and his army rebelled against the Vulture Throne. They easily seized Lederata, Colanum and Othona. After a brief siege, they subdued the city of Magrod as well.
The Great Kingdom of Annvar – Ruler –First Councillor Pataniax Capital – Varthane Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – The Dark Court Diplomacy – Thuidhel [-], Marvald [F] |
The Standard of Annvar |
Two military expeditions set out from Varthane in the spring of 2871. The first, under Councillor Sariax was aimed at the subjugation of Pinnas, an elvish province formerly part of Celendor. Sariax marched across Vosdak lands with three thousand elite Annvar Jaegers (light cavalry) and a thousand elite light infantry. The neutral Vosdak tribes stayed out of their line of march, but at Pinnas, Sariax’s army found that it had more than it bargained for (but much less than it might have met). Thuidhel elves from Minhir were on hand to support the defenders of Pinnas. Five thousand elves made miserably short work of human cavalry, even elite human cavalry in the dense forests of Pinnas. It was due to their elite nature, in fact, that the humans were able to retreat to occupied Thuidhel in good order and recover so many of their casualties over the next several months. Even so, more than a thousand Annvarites were killed or permanently wounded in Pinnas.
The second expedition was more successful. Councillor Puchoniax rode west with two thousand cavalry and enslaved the hobgoblins of Mundzak, at the confluence of the Mistriven and Manndaran rivers. The slaves were returned to Vartai, where they were put to work cultivating the arid steppe. Councillor Alfajoriax’s diplomatic mission to Thuidhel was ruined when Sariax’s army attempted to conquer the elves’ kinsmen in Pinnas. Councillor Pataniax met with the Kar of Marvald and successfully encouraged him to merge his province with the Great Kingdom. |
The Forest Realm of Meledrian –
Ruler –King Eldareth Hammerhand
Capital – Laurelindë
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
The realm of the dark elves (so called because of their association with the dark court) was quiet. King Eldareth returned to the capital at Laurelindë and granted his queen Desirella Vaelarn to a position in the government.
The elves built forts in Mithelan against any invasion from the sea, and increased the size and beauty of the villages in Belaira and Silithos. Missionaries sent to preach in Nimbreth failed to make any converts, but Lord Aeliniel convinced many in that wealthy province to join the worship of the Dark Court. |
The Duskwood Reavers of Azhran –
Ruler –Grand Master Nath-Imperator Melenchlaenith the Archdisrupter
Order Fortress – Silithos
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
The Duskwood Reavers attended to spiritual affairs. |
The Kingdom of Tiringol –
Ruler –King Borlath
Capital – The Underhalls
Dominant Race – Halfling
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
Diplomacy – Tirondalas [NT], Tauronod [EA]
King Borlath traveled to the hills of Tirondalas with no guard or supporters other than two old retainers. There he managed to convince the last of his Stoutheart kinsmen to allow the passage of his troops and to pay him nominal tribute as their liege.
Tobias Bullroarer and William Shroud, Master of Elrothas rode together with four thousand halfling troops, including a thousand light cavalry, to subdue the hobgoblins of Uhtidme to the east. They rode with light hearts, full of confidence in the merry nature of the adventure. Hadn’t Meledrian rolled up the silly elves of Celendor in just a few years? This would be the same thing! Alas for the halflings, no such victories awaited them on the pitiless steppe. Though they outnumbered the Uhtidmans two to one, they were no match for their foes. Halflings are creatures of the hills and pleasant valleys, and the halflings of Tiringol have had little experience in war. The hobgoblins were born in the saddle and laughed in amusement at the diminutive infantry, once they got over the shock. After a long and bloody day on the dusty plains, Bullroarer managed to withdraw his battered army to the safety of the woods and begin looking for survivors. Nearly lost in the chaos of the defeat was the fact that he did execute a fighting withdrawal against a far more mobile and deadly force. This is one of the most difficult maneuvers in all of warfare. After several months of recovery, Bullroarer was able to recover all but a thousand of his halflings. From there, Bullroarer and Shroud traveled together with their armies to Tauronod and convinced the halflings of the hills to pay regular taxes to the king in the Underhalls. |
The Conorrian Heartland –
The Conorrian Empire – Ruler –Regent Vargus Capital – Echoriath Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Eatris [A], Flavium [FA] |
Emperor Saxonius the Younger died of a dry hacking cough in his thirty-first year of life. His eldest son, Kaius Varantius, was only nine years old at the time. The Senate nominated Saxonius’s younger brother Vargus be given the title Imperator pro Tempore until such time as young Kaius was ready to take the throne.
Vargus’s first official act was to recruit two thousand legionnaires, sending his brother Phaedonikus north with six thousand picked troops to subdue the province of Medensus and secure the road to Eleucria. Being a thoughtful man, he increased the power and influence of the Domus Illuminatus (the Imperial School of Wizardry), while at the same time he also tore down the walls of holy Connor and expanded the city. Senator Maecinus traveled to the sunny seacoast of Eatris, where he arranged a marriage between the late Emperor’s sister Octavia and a powerful local family, thus securing an alliance with the region. Lord Melial, the elvish mercenary diplomat, traveled to the hills of Isurium where he negotiated a feudal alliance with the city of Flavium. In 2873, the garrison in distant Lenicum revolted, killing the governor and crucifying his tax collectors. |
The Great Church of the Lords of the Grail – Ruler –Patriarch Galetus Holy City – Conorr Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Elenuil [MN], Eleucria [AB], Centauris [CA], Zela [CH] |
The Patriarch’s Standard |
After spending a whopping sum to train their infantry, Theeurth’s richest government went on to grant money, men and foodstuffs to many of its favorite sons: Neldorea, the Order of the Dawn, Lorraine and Aelissia.
After establishing a small church in the dwarven hills of Zela, churchmen went on to found the port city of Mentaurus in that province. In short order there was also a broad, paved road connecting the new port on the Bardol Sea with Conorr on the Sea of Serpents. In the far northwest, an army of paladins and crusaders led by Bishop Alious soundly defeated the Edgemoor Orcs at Nivaan (See The Edgemoor Orcs, above). A year or so later, Bishop Adrastos took command of that victorious army. Patriarch Galetus moved the seat of the Great Church in Valesia from Ventas into the city of Belfirth. Meanwhile Bishop Altair prepared to do the same in Neldorea by establishing a fine monastery in the capital city of Elenuil. The mercenary Joris collected the Primacy’s ships from all over the west and then sailed his large fleet of warships and transports to Conorr, from which he patrolled the Sea of Serpents. |
The Dwarven Realm of Dhûnazhar – Ruler – King Thorin Capital – Khelem Vala Dominant Race – Dwarf Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Ring of Karduk [T] |
The industrious dwarves built a city in the hills of Jaelitus, deep within the strong walls of a large hill. They named it Naugor and from it came plentiful iron and worked goods of cunning craftsmanship. Too, the dwarves built fortifications in the mountain passes of Kiril Zelen and Khuruk Tor against the rising power of the hobgoblins to the north.
King Thorin watched the borders from his throne in Khelem Vala, and fathered another son to take up his axe after him. Lord Roin and an assortment of great dwarven nobles extracted a tribute from the Ring of Karduk. This exertion was the final one for Roin, who died in 2872 at the age of one hundred forty eight. The rest of the mission and the possession of the fabled Crystal Brazier fell to the younger Garag Blood-Axe. |
The Warded Realm of Pelendur – Ruler –King Gregor II Capital – Vigilum Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Draconium [A] |
King Gregor II and Lady Chanrey convinced the elves of Draconium to become allies of the Warded Realm. Gregor returned to Vigilum to rule his people. Alas, the king’s latest wife died in childbirth, as had his last.
Lady Chanrey, too, had breathed her last in 2874 at the age of sixty-eight. She was joined on the road to her reward by Lord Forrestor, who died in 2873 at the age of sixty-four. |
The Free State of Lederata – Ruler –King Naudrath Capital – Colanum Dominant Race – Hobgoblin Dominant Religion – The Dark Court |
Naudrath set up a new and hopeful realm of independent hobgoblins. |
North-Western Vales –
A STRANGE OCCURRENCE –In the late summer of 2873, all fires everywhere in North-West Vales, be they magical or mundane, sacred or profane, suddenly blow out as if snuffed by an invisible hand. No fire relights until the next morning, in spite of all efforts. Several known prophets die on the same night.
The Llyran Republic –
Ruler –Constans Pip Topkapi
Capital – Tarrentica
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail
The aggregation of warehouses, support buildings and the hovels of port workers which surrounded the Fortress of Bells in Nova Valis now supports enough population to be called a proper town. The Llyrans named it Bella on the day they surrounded it with a low earthen rampart.
The amazing shipwrights of Kardev’s Aerie continued to build flying ships. They produced a large skyship and a smaller, faster skyskiff. The tradition of Llyran generosity continued, as the Republic sent foodstuffs to the Conorrian Empire and gold to the Order of the Dawn and the Neldorean elves. Constans Pip Topkapi and five thousand soldiers launched a dawn raid on a Fleshweavers cell lately discovered in the very heart of Tarrentica. The rank and file of the cult were beheaded, while the leaders were thrown from the cliffs of Mons Llyrae, as tradition demanded. Senator Sanchola also sought for cultic activity in the southern port of Vastium, but was happy to report that the population was entirely loyal. Senator Tarsa ol’ Kenset and his fleet of thirty warships and skyships patrolled the seas around the islands, flying the flag of the Red Pact of Vales. They finally settled in the new harbor of Bella. |
The Holy Matriarchy of Ahuran– Ruler –Queen Joyce Thistledown Capital – Sedeskan Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Maddari Diplomacy – Naidhan [FA] |
Queen Yvonne’s reign was short-lived. Falling ill in her twenty-eighth year, she called for the election of an heir and set a test for her court at the Grounds of the Royal Consort. Games of strategy and several mock battles were held, to the grand delight of the Sedeskan mobs. But the spectacle had a serious purpose and in the end Joyce Thistledown emerged as the victor and was named heir.
She did not have long to wait. Queen Yvonne died of a wracking cough in 2875 at the age of thirty one and was laid in the long barrows of her foremothers. Queen Joyce was crowned by the High Priestess within a week. Prior to becoming queen, Yvonne had led the diplomatic effort to bring Naidhan back into the Matriarchy. She succeeded in claiming Naidhan as a feudal protectorate of Sedeskan. In the meantime, Maddari missionaries to Kumrat were met with heckling and jeers. Their fellow priestesses met with slightly more success in neighboring Socphares, where the made many converts. |
Har’akir – Ruler –Sultan Qadir Alouda Capital – Mar Awas Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Damo [EA] |
Sultan Qadir traveled to the wilds of Khent with three thousand Adramagdus Mountaineers. He hunted and hawked to his heart’s content.
Lords Isaam, Haseeb and Kasim traveled to Damo where they concluded an economic treaty with the elves that included a diplomatic marriage with Prince Kasim. Kasim died in 2874. Landless men came to the rich farmlands of Awas Fahan and settled in large numbers. |
The Valesian Empire – Ruler –Primarch Diomedes Capital – Centauris Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail |
The Valesian Empire sailed on in serene quietude. |
Luxur –
Ruler –General Adnassuk
Capital – Thedelos
Dominant Race – Sathla
Dominant Religion – Autumna
Diplomacy – Merwal [+6YfC]
Luxurite recruiters continued to drum young sathla into the General’s armies. A thousand elite sathran archers joined Captain Ophidius’s command in Thedelos, along with warships and transports. Ophidius then patrolled the Artaxes River and the Luxur coast.
The lush fields of Naqada continued to draw thousands of landless young settlers hoping to homestead on the fecund banks of the Artaxes. To ensure the continued safety of the burgeoning population, the military authorities built several strong castles along the river bank. In Thedelos, the king decreed an Adventuring Guild, known as the Slithering Steel. The sudden call of wealth and glory attracted many young sathla and even foreign adventurers to the sweltering noontime plazas of the great city. Captain Vykso ferried his army across the Artaxes and into the forests of Gatz, where he crushed all human resistance (little caring that most of the natives worshiped the Snake-God Udjo). When the slavers came, the Gatzian resistance was stronger, and cost Vykso hundreds of his troopers to put down. In the end, the slaves were taken back to work farms in Keferis. Vykso died in Keferis at the end of 2872 and his troops were billeted on the local populace. Speakers Shonyx and Haasta continued to harangue the crowd in Merwal, hoping to lull the Valesian-speaking resistance that had opposed the Mykel-speaking rulers for so long. |
The Holy See of Udjo – Ruler –Pysus Holzilz Holy City – Merwal Dominant Race – Sathla Dominant Religion – Autumna Diplomacy – Cassar [CH] |
Priests of the Holy See helped to improve living conditions in Naqada, Merwal and Oroyon.
In cooperation with Luxur, Autumna priests attempted to convert the benighted spirit cultists in Drormt. However, anti-clerical sentiment in that nation ran to a near hysterical level, and the priests were forced to hurry away in fear for their lives. Lady Aloshes traveled to Naqada, but never returned. The Holy See’s sites in Mykele are too far from any controlling authority, and as a result, the church in Mikkulizim degraded entirely. |
The Serpentine of Mykele –
Ruler –Sauressh Isskor
Capital – Oroyon
Dominant Race – Sathla
Dominant Religion – Autumna
Diplomacy – Vaasilos [FA], Ikka [T]
Bowing to the pressure of his nobility, the Sauressh repealed his ordinances against slavery. There was much celebration in the capital, where the prices of slaves boomed. Isskor named his son, Isskor II, as his heir in 2875.
A small collection of thatched huts with a long and rickety wharf jutting out into the Lower Vine Sea was named the capital of Kuzsu and given the bucolic title of Isskor’s Respite. Tiny rafts sailed from this brown spot on the emerald coast downriver to Breeka and along the coasts to Nyange and Kaznuma. Meanwhile, large numbers of settlers flocked to the fertile plains of Kurgal, and thanks to the religious teachings of Princess Kae’lee, the sathla of Mikkulizim gave up the vile worship of the Dark Court and praised mighty Udjo and Autumna. Mykelean diplomacy continued to prove fruitful as Lady Shreen exacted a tribute from the Maresssh of Ikka and Lord Terrel garnered a feudal vassal in the lord of Vaasilos far to the west. |
Lord Nagel visited the human city of Aqam on the Songtide Straits as well as explored the jungle regions nearby. He brought back colorful tales of the natives and their strange ways to amuse the nobles of Oroyon.
Lord Raacko of Ursurrnam disappeared in the jungles of Girudar. His men returned to Ursurrnam and the command of Raacko’s son.
North-Eastern Vales –
The Kingdom of Thariyya – Ruler –King Shadazar Vahdin Capital – Uls Fakhar Dominant Race – Halfling Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Naushqa [F], Al Muhd [C] |
In the spring of 2871, King Azek granted the provinces of Abin and Alik more autonomy, demanding only that the halflings of those regions do him homage and allow Thariyya to control their economies. Azek then married Gyenesis, his brother’s widow. The same day, he adopted Mogrihan’s son, Shadazar, as his son and heir. This was well for Thariyya, for the new monarch did not have long to live, and died of pneumonia in the spring of 2872. Shadazar was named king, much to his mother’s delight and the general approval of the realm. Wallastre Zendowan convinced the Fezhir of Naushqa to grant his province to the control of the king. When the Fezhir died in 2874, Naushqa became wholly part of the Kingdom. Wallastre then traveled to the Zendowan peninsula of Al Muhd and claimed it in the name of Thariyya. Sultan Ontzdamas patrolled the forests of Hassar with a small army of cavalry, then returned to Shood to take command of the larger garrison. The Thariyyan fleet patrolled the Gulf under the flag of the Red Pact of Vales. |
The Warlocks of Accolon – Ruler –Emperor Elijah Cuu Capital – Dammarask Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – The Dark Court Diplomacy – Sin [-] |
In the arid, empty dunes of Sharar, the Accolonites carved a city from the low, red hills that stood like forlorn sentinels in that godforsaken desert. They named it Redwind and hastened away as soon as their orders allowed it.
On the coasts, trade ships were sent to the Conorrian Empire and to Farmuz after centuries of little more than smugglers making the route. What the Grailite merchants thought of such competition remained to be seen. Emperor Elijah released the provinces of Anur-Da and Arbelas from his control, demanding only their obeisance to the flag of Accolon and the right of travel over their pine barrens. In the east, the large region of Carru was cultivated at last, bringing more grain to the mobs in Nuradeem and Dammarask. Erikur Even-Handed traveled to the southern forests of Sin and attempted to claim them for Accolon. The Sinians sent him packing. |
The Shadowed Primacy of the Dark Court – Ruler –High Priest Gezz Half-Shadow Holy City – Dammarask Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – The Dark Court Diplomacy – Gateway [AB], Keystone [CH], Unaagh [-] |
Priests of the Shadowed Primacy encourage farmers to settle in Akin by holding colorful festivals and wild religious celebrations. Lotteries are held during which one or two lucky settlers are granted large tracts of land, minor magical powers or the services of temple dancing girls.
Priests also build a church in Keystone and an abbey in Gateway. Lady Lessa attempted to canonize a monastery in Unaagh, but found that this was not the work of a mere few months. Stamping her shapely foot in frustration, she had a few slaves whipped and felt better. She went on about her business. Unexpectedly, Drel Dorath of Ascarlon, a Prince of the Church, showed up in Kamandi, a human enclave in the dwarven nation of Aurdrukar and tried to convert the populace to the worship of the dark gods. He had few takers, but was well treated. Well-treated, that is, until the king’s Royal Guard caught up with him. Drel Dorath barely escaped with his life, and would carry a long axe scar across his chest for the rest of his life. |
The Shadowguard of Marador –
Ruler –Queen Madariel Shadowfoot
Capital – Lantar
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail
Queen Madariel heaved a sigh and ordered that the orcs be paid their cursed ransom. She did not want Dimbe to suffer yet again. In the next breath, she ordered the raising of four thousand cavalry. If the orcs so much as sneezed, she would unleash the fury of the elves on them. |
Somewhere on the road through Beduina, the shipment was waylaid by bandits. Orcs, from all reports. Some of the gold got through to Othgut and his horde, but it was not enough, and that lack signaled the sacking of Dimbe and siege of Oromardi.
True to her word, Madariel and her army of nineteen thousand elves raced from Lantar to Oromardi. Overlaid with spells of courage, protection and leadership, the elves marched into Nastaldo, where elven sorcery had raised a great wall of thorns against the Dimbe border. Not waiting for the orcs to assault them, the elves passed by the magic hedge and stormed down upon the orcs who were in the process of enslaving their brethren. Twenty-six thousand orcs, goblins and ogres faced nineteen thousand elves. Both armies were well-led and benefited from sorcerous protections (orcish shamans cursed the elven armor, causing it to rust, to slip at inopportune times and to feel heavy and unwieldy). In the end it was the power of the elven cavalry, particularly the heavy elite cavalry, that won the day for the elves. It shattered the orcish lines in repeated charges of notable bravery and pursued the fleeing goblins with fiery ruthlessness. As the scattered orcish host fled into the hills, the elves found that they, |
too had suffered over two days of battle. Fully half the army of Marador, nearly ten thousand elves, lay dead or seriously wounded on the field of Dimbe.
South-Western Vales –
The Steaming Kingdom of Drormt –
Ruler –Queen Xochilti
Capital – Breeka
Dominant Race – Saurus
Dominant Religion – Autumna
The Steaming kingdom received a large sum of gold from the Holy See of Udjo. Reactionary forces in the nobility saw this as a bribe from foreign sources and responded by haranguing the public with anti-sathla invective. |
Sendahl – Ruler –King Trist*an Capital – Nyange Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult |
The lords of Sendahl governed their cities and invoked the rain spirits to aid cultivation in Durudin.
Lord Kon*stan died in Bwayo in 2874. |
The Grand Empire of Mekebele – Ruler –Emperor W’tanabe Capital – Awayal Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult Diplomacy – Foru [-], Prorte [EA] |
Work continued in Mekebele on the great aqueduct of Awayal.
Prince Duzhi offered his aunt Musaha’s hand in marriage to Wang’ombe, lord of Foru. Wang’ombe was flattered, but refused the price, which was submission to the Empire and retirement to his ancestral lands. Lord Tnute had more luck in the jungles of Prorte, where he struck a bargain with Warleader Nightcat permitting Awayal to tax the citizens of Prorte in exchange for the Grand Empire’s protection. In 2874, a terrible disaster struck Mekebele. An immense cloud of locusts boiled out of the sweltering jungles to consume everything in its path. Grain was was consumed, animals starved and the black soil blew away on the wind. Shamans called for sacrifice and prayer, as this was surely the judgment of the Spirits on the sins of the Mekebelans. |
South-Eastern Vales –
The Dwarven Realm of Aurdrukar – Ruler –King Thulnor Capital – The Brass Tower Dominant Race – Dwarf Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Lrandirla [NT], Zhutetl [C] |
Banner of Aurdrukar |
King Thulnor granted a thousand Burundûr Guards to Prince Dorin and entrusted him with the Iron Orb of Oaths. Thulnor ruled his nation, then marched with his army of six thousand Burundûr Guards to the province of Hibru.
Dorin and Lord Blorin traveled to the orcish mountains of Zhutetl, where in a move that shocked most of their fellow dwarves, they negotiated with the Redwrath orcs, offering them protection in exchange for tribute. In the end, the dwarves claimed success while the orcs glowered down from their mountain holes in menacing silence. Lord Dhokir had more success with the Deephelms of Lrandirla, who agreed to recognize Thulnor as their nominal overlord. Thulnor ordered his Royal Guards to apprehend or kill Drel Dorath of the Dark Primacy (and sometime prince of Ascarlon) who had moved on to making trouble in Kamandi, urging the humans of that cultivated province to take up the worship of the Dark Court. Drel Dorath escaped his pursuers by just a hair’s breadth, and has the axe-scars to prove it! |
The Elven Empire of Sengkar – Ruler –Emperor Valoril Greenshield Capital – Ezrand Dominant Race – Elf Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail Diplomacy – Ozhayar [A], Kirenda Rahsaz [F], Gothambauk [A] |
The elves looked to the sea, recognizing the growing powers across the Shadow Coast and Ymarian Sea, and built two new ports. Valoralondë in Phinte is sheltered behind low sandy islands, while Xantotun in Gothambauk is set on a prominent headland looking down on the sea from above. Both were immediately given strong walls to protect them from seaward and landward. At the same time, the elves built forts along the exposed coasts of Mita and Phinte. The Emperor released barely-inhabited Sorion from his control, and granted autonomy to the Morelai elves of Sola. He then marched an army into the elm forests of Ozhayar to serve as a garrison, then returned to Ezrand. Prince Namaril transferred command of the army to Talan of Mita, cast a glamer upon Lord Gahaliel and then traveled to Ozhayar and made close alliance with the Prince of that province. |
Lord Gahaliel spoke for long years with Gladir of Kirenda Rashaz and convinced that noble lord to become the servant of the Emperor.
Young Princess Shariel, with the independent energy so characteristic of her house, studied the history, etiquette, dance and song of Gothambauk. She then traveled to those northern woods and dazzled Lord Tamril with her skill and beauty. Smitten with the princess’s charm, Tamril married her and made alliance with her father, Valoril.
The Kingdom of Weshtayo – Ruler –Regent Gan, Grey-Feathered Lord Capital – Khulank Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult Diplomacy – Osaru [C], Bedraku [+2YfC] |
Lord Gan continued to work with the intractable sauruses of Bedraku. Their alien race and tongue meant that they still harbored a deep grudge against the Weshts for conquering their land nearly a century before.
Lord Turome traveled north to Osaru on the banks of the Artaxes river and laid claim to the forests. He died while squirrel-hunting in 2873 before he could conclude his planned negotiations with the forest tribes. King Uraji died in the same year. He had been sparring with swords for most of the morning and then took what was to have been a bracing bath in an ice-cold stream. The shock was more than he had planned, and he died in a raging fever two weeks later, leaving as his only heir nine year old Terbish, his only son. Lord Gan stepped in as regent, swearing to protect the rights of young Terbish. Uraji was laid to rest in Khulank during a solemn ceremony of mummification. |
The Imperial Realm of Zikuyu –
Ruler –Emperor Bhekizizwe
Capital – Ivallkyu
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult
The Zikuyans continued to indulge their passion for roadbuilding, cutting a narrow dirt path through the fields of Thikyni and Zalu, connecting New Mhynar to the capital via Mogollyu on the Mogolla river. Surely someday this, too, would be a broad stone road such as those that graced Qash and Urrides.
King Bhekizizwe, now comfortably into middle age, ruled contentedly from Ivallkyu and added to his already large family by fathering his third daughter. Meanwhile, his son Kwame came of age in 2871, but the king judged his son not yet ready to take over the duties of heir. General Ghakarhi, who commanded the large garrison at Weeliya died in 2875 of a heart attack. He was fifty years old. |
The Valraj –
Ruler –Sultan Azaad
Capital – Muddakir
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Tanoxus [A]
Sultan Azaad assumed command of the national army at Mudakkir and concentrated on ruling his sprawling country. He did, however, find time to father two sons in 2871 and 2872.
His brother Prince Daruun traveled with their willful and intelligent fifteen-year-old sister Idreena to the forests of Tanoxus, where he negotiated an alliance with the lord of the forest in exchange for his sister’s hand in marriage. Lord Fakhir presided over a ritual intended to summon mystical aid to the land of Valraj, but which failed when the augurs read poor omens for the attempt in the entrails of a sacrificed chicken. |
The Grand Duchy of Meneen –
Ruler –Grand Duke Salene
Capital – Yaz Meneen
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult
The Grand Duchy of Meneen formally declared an alliance with The Valraj (although no such announcement was echoed from the halls of Mudakkir). Observers noted that part of this new entente was the exchange of naval charts and officers.
Meneen also opened trade with Accolon through its port at Nuradeem. This trade was routed through the Meneen colony at Olonár, even though the elvish merchants could reach Nuradeem from Yaz Meneen. While Grand Duke Salene ruled from his capital, his trusted courtier, the sea-wolf Feantë had put to sea to retake lost territories. With allied troops of Uthor Gil, Feantë’s army sailed south and west and stormed ashore at Acclimea, off the Ukanve coast. But it was here that Feantë’s traditional luck left him. His army consisted of two thousand elven archers and thirteen warships. In the past, this had been enough to cow the Acclimeans, but no longer. The men of the jungle turned out three thousand warriors to oppose the elves, and fought for their lives and freedom. Despite Feantë’s leadership and sorcery, the distance and difficulties of an amphibious landing played into the hands of the natives who outfought and outlasted the elvish expedition. With half his elves killed and six of his ships burned, Feantë abandoned his plans and retreated to the sea, returning home in a foul humor with nothing to show for his adventure but a bruised ego and reputation. |
The Kingdom of Ukanve –
Ruler –Queen Eamata
Capital – Ukanve
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Valesian Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Kiriyelru [EA], Hydrsha [FA], Darja [T]
Queen Eamata expanded the Ukanve merchant fleet with five new transports and ruled her wide realm from the capital.
Meanwhile, her lieutenants fanned out across the realm, bringing using diplomacy, marriages and coercion to strengthen her control over the nobility. Her daughter Edova traveled to Kiriyelru and through marriage to the chieftain’s son, bought her mother influence and status with the Kiriyelru tribes. Lord Retzak spoke fine words to the lord of Hydrsha, convincing him to return his province to the larger realm as a vassal lord. Lord Norwalk likewise convinced the Iriol tribes of Darja to pay tribute to the queen in the form of rare animals and lumber. |
The Kingdom of Nikitya –
Ruler –Queen Olga
Capital – Vikitana
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Serriku Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Kachka [FA]
Queen Dowager Olga traveled to the northern forests of Kachka and once more convinced the bemused woodsmen to ally with Vikitana by means of a diplomatic marriage to her daughter Ingird. There were many who urged the forty-three year-old queen to find herself a husband while she was at it, but she spurned all such affronts to the memory of her dead husband Olaf.
Wulfdan the Fierce set to sea in several fine longships, protecting a small fleet of cogs which carried a tiny army. Wulfdan intended on raiding, but when he rode into the frothy waves of the Permanga Sound, he discovered a larger fleet of ten Amantai warships already raiding the coast of Kyuinachka. Incensed at another predator stalking his prey, Wulfdan ordered the attack, though his fleet was less than half the size of the other. Nikityan seamanship proved markedly better than Amantai’s, and Wulfdan was far the cannier commander. His ships approached the Amantai fleet in the narrow confines of an estuary wher the easterner’s numbers counted for less. One by one, the Nikityans boarded and sank or captured the foe, driving them from the sea. With a series of lightning raids, Wulfdan struck at Kyuinachka. However, a dwarven army from Korondor had marched into the province and offered their assistance to local humans. Thus thwarted, Wulfdan’s men returned to their ships and sailed on, plundering various wildernesses along the Permanga Sound. The raid on Kyuinachka might have netted the raiders a herd of cattle and a few unwary wives, but the raids on the forests netted mostly sore feet and impatient warriors. After several months of lean raiding, the residents of Tuanani had had time to bury their valuables and move the herds into the upland vales, making the raid on their territory (Wulfdan’s last of the season) even more unprofitable and frustrating. From there, Wulfdan dropped off the cogs and raiders at Vikitana and sailed along the north coast of Permanga until he reached the far eastern seaway known as Stormhome. He duly charted these legendarily treacherous waters for his queen and then sailed home. |
About this time, emissaries from across the Sea of Whales arrived, humans of Falmallinar and Koltlus who desired the queen to send them ships and men to defend against the encroachment of elves and hobgoblins. They promised to take her as their rightful sovereign if she should protect them and their ancient rights to the mouth of the Wolf river.
The Principalities of Korondor –
Ruler –King Vorin
Capital – Nikkildun
Dominant Race – Dwarf
Dominant Religion – The Lords of the Grail
Diplomacy – Kyuinachka [FA], Khond-Mirzar [F]
The dwarves poured their wealth and efforts into the beautification and improvement of Achkain. The hills were dotted with bucolic farms, prosperous hamlets and well-constructed granaries, breweries and tanneries.
King Vorin and his cousin marched into the human province of Kyiunachka with thirty-five hundred troops, including two thousand heavy dwarvish infantry. But this was not an invasion. King Vorin offered to help guard the Kyiunachka against raiders, and the men of that region gratefully accepted. It was not long before the Nikityan raiders struck with ships and five hundred northmen, their faces painted blue with wode. But the dwarves easily saw off the small force, and Graf Piotr of Kyiunachka swore fealty to the king as his feudal overlord. Prince Torin, meanwhile, completed negotiations with the Prince of Khond-Mirzar, who joined his realm with Korondor. The dwarves were granted full citizenship in the growing kingdom. In 2874, tragedy struck when the skin of Prince Torin slowly began to turn grey and his beard became brittle. This was a rare but dread disease known as Nun-gibilthar, the Petrification. Through it, a dwarf steadily becomes more rock-like, until in death he resembles a statue of his former self. It is invariably fatal. Worse, it is hereditary. Torin died in 2875 and was laid to rest in the halls of his fathers. |
The Shanatar Empire –
Ruler –God-Emperor Talena
Capital – Feroe
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – The God-Emperor
Diplomacy – An’Hirz [A]
The God-Emperor continued her drive to crush the elves of Mandek and Malil, the sinners who refused to recognize her divine and unquestionable will. Having already enslaved them, Talena gave orders that they be driven back onto their former lands and begin clearing their precious trees to make way for proper cultivated, Shanat lands. With tears in their eyes and dust in their throats, the elves perforce complied.
Meanwhile, decent God-Emperor-fearing families of loyal humans were settled in both Mandek and Malil to be fruitful and multiply. Army commander Sedoor died in 2873 at the age of fifty-two. Lord Ullaran took over the army command at Mandek and continued to enforce the divine will. Prince-Consort Migdala and Lord Ferros traveled to An’Hirz where they convinced the lord of that region to become the ally of the God-Emperor. In 2874, a disturbing occurrence in Rachif seized the national attention. The folk of Rachif stopped communicating with the outside world, and all of the God-Emperor’s servants who traveled there failed to return. At least, months later, word escaped from a few survivors that ghostly apparitions had risen up and frightened the inhabitants to death! Nimaht, now cut off from the central government save for a long trek through unfriendly steppe regions, demanded aid in quelling this nightmare. |
The Farmuz Emirates – Ruler –Sultan Yaman al Mukatir Capital – Azhkatûm Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Lords of the Grail |
The industrious men of the Emirates completed a great project, terracing the black hills of Forecen and carting thousands of tons of Argabazos mud onto the terraces, and working hundreds of small canals, aqueducts and holding pools into the countryside to create a hydraulic wonder, the hanging gardens of Forecen.
At the same time, city-dwellers and landless men from the steppe tribes were encouraged to settle in Balemel and Forecen, becoming smallholders and shepherds. Sultan Yaman ruled from the domed palace at Azhkatûm and fathered three sons and a daughter. He also ordered that trade be reopened with the devil-worshiping empire of Accolon. Devil-worshiping gold spends the same as any other, apparently. In 2872, a fire in the port of Mukatir spread rapidly in the night until it hit the wharves, where vast quantities of cotton, olive oil and pitch burst into flame. From that point on, the city was an unstoppable inferno and all who could simply ran before the all-consuming conflagration. The city burned for nine days and only burned out when every wooden structure was in ashes. The city was a total loss, as were its wharves and even many of the ships that had been moored there. |
The Kingdom of Vaudan – Ruler –King Eldred Capital – Chegamum Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Orithia |
Now that his kingdom was suitably small and easy to manage, King Eldred directed the enlargement of his urban population. Workmen tore down the walls of Nrinayri and Vakla, ports at the headwaters of the Kheleni and Gardagos rivers. They used the stone to build new urban districts, the foundations of future metropolises.
King Eldred reorganized the nation’s shipping, allowing foreign merchants to bring in all the nation’s trade and forcing the local merchants to work on keeping up trade between the nation’s cities. The king also fathered a boy in 2871. Eldred’s son Afshar fathered two twin sons in the same year, and otherwise governed the capital in his father’s name. Vaktalan of Vaklatos and Meshiya of Nrinayri traveled to the new province of Parkora and spent several years mapping the dense forests and learning the ways of the elves. |
The United Clans of Mainos –
Ruler –King Kaedhrol Greyfeather
Capital – Badmira
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Orithia
The elves of Mainos embarked on a five-year festival of pine cones. |
The Dragon’s Reach
The Kingdom of Uheju –
Ruler –King Gansukh
Capital – Shkomyemri
Dominant Race – Hobgoblin
Dominant Religion – Orithia
The great lords of Uheju governed the cities and guarded the borders, waiting for something to happen with the leadership of the nation. In 2873, it did. Regent Gadai choked on a chicken bone during a feast and pitched forward into the meat pies, dead. Young Gansukh was still only thirteen, but he nominated Lord Kaidan as regent and Kaidan, a hobgoblin more studious than ambitious served in that capacity for two years until Gansukh took the throne in 2875.
In 2871, Yurik of Bennsaga, an Uhejan ally, died in weapons practice, struck too hard in the head by a blunted sword. In the squabble over Bennsagan succession, the alliance lapsed, though Bennsaga still acknowledged the primacy of Shkoyemri. |
The Kingdom of Kasadir – Ruler –King Maejith Capital – Tamiyot Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Orithia Diplomacy – Tanuan [F] |
King Maejith traveled to the island of Tanuan with his younger daughter, Kimissa. There he made common cause with the island’s ruler and by 2875, had given his daughter’s hand away in marriage and had elevated the lord of Tanuan to a prince of the realm. Kimissa’s dowry was, naturally, Tanuan itself.
Lord Thruen, governor of Tamiyot, died in 2875. He was slain at the age of twenty-five in a duel over another’s man’s wife. |
The Kingdom of Ahandu – Ruler –Queen Hexoatl Capital – Zathurrin Dominant Race – Saurus Dominant Religion – Orithia Diplomacy – Pondu [A] |
Queen Hexoatl decreed that royal land could be settled in Diangam, bringing many sauruses down from the forests to farm her land as sharecroppers.
Lords Itza-ec and Uaxankha traveled to Chojde and set out to explore the Xiangyun and Soldu seas in tiny, open boats. They met with heavy seas and never returned. Prince Tocmazda and Xlchicc of Menjarmun convinced the humans of Pondu to ally with the kingdom by demonstrating the health and vitality of the realm and promising protection. Prince Tocmazda died in Pondu in 2875. In the spring of 2874, a strange rain covered most of Diangam and Menanga. It contained the hail of some acidic substance, which burned all who felt it and damaged crops. |
The Empire of Mogodor –
Ruler –Regent Aataana
Capital – Aone
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Orithia
Diplomacy – Venil [EA]
As the Imperial post built fortified inns along the major east-west trails, small towns and villages grew up around them, bringing yet more land under cultivation in Menembaga, Januaan and Kolempmun. Burgeoning rice harvests brought in even more young me from the surrounding countryside, seeking their fortune as settlers.
Lord Aatana, a cousin of the Emperor’s, traveled to the eastern city of Venil and ended the system of tribute owed to the Empire, instead imposing a regular taxation and tariff system on trade within the wealthy city. In 2871, Emperor Kaidhoor IV fathered his only child, a daughter. In 2873, Kaidhoor died of a winter cold that got into his lungs and rotted them from the inside out. Lord Aataana, freshly returned from his duties in Venil, was recognized as the Regent, holding the Empire in trust for the infant daughter of Kaidhoor. |
The Kingdom of Suhanir –
Ruler –King Valiel Sunlord
Capital – Kaonayu
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Orithia
The elves pondered the perfection of cherry blossoms for several years. Their shortfall of infrastructure continued to make the provinces restless and the treasury anemic. |
The Kingdom of Amantai –
Ruler –King Mardule
Capital – Mahlish
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Orithia
Diplomacy – Mengerejhu [NT]
King Mardule and Janz, lord of Jutuh traveled together to the forests of Mengerejhu and negotiated a trade corridor to the Empire of Mogodor. This agreement in place, a tiny trickle of trade began to flow. Perhaps one day, with cultivated fields and proper roads in place, that trickle might become a flood.
Ledrick the Swift, a mighty adventurer, set out to sea with ten warships and two cogs weighted down with light infantry, intent on the conquest of Kyuinachka and the Permanga coast. Ledrick, a famous swordsman, was nonetheless no soldier and his plans quickly began to break down. Or rather, his lack of them began to show. The dwarves of Korondor had moved down onto the plain of Kyuinachka to help defend their human neighbors from just such onslaughts. But before Ledrick could begin to contemplate his next move, disaster struck. A small but well-trained Nikityan fleet under the command of Wulfdan the Fierce sailed into the Permanga Sound and began sinking Nikityan ships like so many ducks on an archery range. The Amantai sailors were no match for the Nikityan seadogs, and the battle soon turned into a route despite the larger Amantai numbers. With most of his fleet sunk or captured, Ledrick beat a hasty retreat to Mahlish, where he served as governor from 2873-75. Lord Melruin of Baya died while hunting in Mensiar. He had no children and by law, his province escheated to the king. In 2873, a fleet of warships from Tekume charted the waters of the Katalya sea. A strange red tide enveloped the waters off Haga in the years 2874 and 2875, killing the fish and starving the fishermen. |
The Kingdom of Nuitai –
Ruler –King Arpald
Capital – Temanom
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Orithia
King Arpald ruled from the palace at Temanom while his wife Beri gave birth to a succession of three daughters.
Lord Ranit, meanwhile, traveled to Sedor with two thousand elite Nuitai Foresters and carefully watched the border for any untoward moves from the west. Prince Tenzin, the king’s stepfather, met a young man named Ghevrit in a dusty village in Basirzos. Later, upon learning that the young man had been captured by forest goblins, Tenzin and a few hand-picked troops stormed the goblin lair, slew the goblin chieftain and freed the boy. Later, in the forests of Erdiyek, the adventurous prince opened a sealed and ancient tomb, much to his and the world’s dismay. For this was the resting place and prison of Kuan Li Jiang, an iron-fisted dictator of a bygone era. Now undead and filled with the pain and fury of his life-in-death, the rising lich slew the prince and his troops and swore vengeance on the descendants of those who had imprisoned him! |
The Kingdom of Choran –
Ruler –King Trelan the Bold
Capital – Choran
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Serikku Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Arkhoro [F], Yukamoc [+11YfC]
“King” Parru the Pale oversaw the building of new merchant ships which he then directed onto the Khudukan, Mogodor and Vaudan routes. He then worked on an accurate census of his people until his death in 2873.
Lords Keirein and Drofu convinced Xiembian of Arkhoro to accept Choran citizenship and turn over his province entirely to the Kingdom. Trelan the Bold and Lord Lan traveled to the far eastern colony of Yukamoc and worked to advance the interests of the conquerors. Trelan was called back when King Parru died, for the citizens had elected him their dictator. In 2871, a fleet of Tekume warships transited west through the Soldu Straits, but did not return. |
The Empire of Tekume –
Ruler –King Vo-Laareth
Capital – Suru’or
Dominant Race – Giants
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
Diplomacy – Kumi [A], Rura [-]
King Vo-Laareth decreed a new port was needed on the Godfall Deep, and so giant craftsmen pounded piles into the sandy shores off Kumi, creating the first wharves of the fortress-village known as Zayitun. The King himself, with the assistance of Zikondrus of Tauntum, traveled to Kumi to negotiate with Kardor of Kumi. Vo-Laareth sealed the bargain by marrying Kardor’s daughter. Trade soon began to flow south to Akagekku from the new port.
Ar-Grothen traveled across the Amaku Maru and Godfall Deep to the human province of Rura, which he proposed to claim for the Empire. The men of Rura had other ideas and politely told the giant emissary that they were free men and had no interest in becoming little better than slaves to the Tekume. Lord Mo-Gotron set out west with four warships and charted the Sea of Shen’xi and the Kame Wai. Unfortunately, when he entered the Mai Ren, a great storm sank him and all his fleet. His earlier charts were also lost. Lord An-Grothek tset out north with three warships and a cog to chart Tiannla Bay and the Sea of Katalya off Amantai. He returned in 2875 with the precious charts. |
The Kolyut Isthmus
The Sylvan Realm of Hecadia –
Ruler –King Avedis
Capital – Belgramma
Dominant Race – Halfling
Dominant Religion – Orithia
Diplomacy – Papan [FA]
Peaceful Hecadia continued to produce some of the finest fruits and wines in Theeurth. The halfling merchants established a new port on the northern arm of the Hecadian Straits and in prudent halfling fashion named it Safeport. The Verifar fields around Belgramma were planted with chickory and coffee beans which ripened to a golden brown in the hot Hecadian sun. But the defense of the realm was not ignored, and the king recruited a thousand cavalry riding shaggy ponies.
King Avedis ruled the realm from Belgramma. He was cast into abject mourning when, in 2871, queen Paulina died in childbirth. Lord Tammett was governor of Tetomo. Lord Jasil was governor of Serah Harbor on the Chamir river. The great diplomat, Elekar the Fox, traveled to the woods of Papan and there gave the woodsmen many good reasons to seek the protection of the halflings of Belgramma. So it was agreed that the lord of the woods should become the vassal of King Avedis. |
The Kingdom of Kerendis – Ruler –King Lochilann Makkure Capital – Orbelain Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – The Dark Court Diplomacy – Emparar [F], Chemada [T] |
King Jorald’ treasury built granaries and cleared pastures in Nisvet, encouraging settlement in that northernmost region. There was, in addition, a veritable concert of sorcerous conjurations, wherein were summoned a multitude of half-human entities that were magically obliged to toil amidst the soil of Nisvet, Kibe, Emparar and Rabiate.
Jorald himself ruled the nation and shifted shipping resources until his death in 2875. His heir Prince Lochilann, along with lord Saerbrethach, arranged Lochilann’s marriage to a chieftain’s daughter of Emparar, thus bringing that forested region wholly within the kingdom. Prince Cormac arranged his father’s remarriage to a girl from Chemada, but Jorald died shortly after the union and there was no issue. Bishop Shaeloth the Shadowed traveled east to assume command of the two thousand men of the Anshuyo garrison and then marched them back to Orbelain for military manuevers. In 2875, Lochilann was crowned king of Kerendis by Bishop Shaeloth in a magnificent display of power and wealth. |
The Kingdom of Threns –
Ruler –King Nijon
Capital – Vaayil
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Changshai Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Artisva [FA]
The city of Vaayil is truly becoming one of the great cities of the Ymarian Sea. It’s population spread far beyond the bounds of its ancient walls, and the king allowed the locals to tear down the stones of those walls for building materials.
On her seventeenth birthday, Marietta was promoted to a Princess of the realm. Meanwhile, Nijon fathered a pair of twin boys and named the eldest (by six minutes) as his heir. Lord Papichulk and Lord Burrostronium negotiated with the tribes of Artisva and in the end the Artisvans swore feudal allegiance to the king in Vaayil. |
The Kolyut Hegemony –
Ruler –Hegemon Mordo
Capital – Ketarid
Dominant Race – Hobgoblin
Dominant Religion – The Dark Court
A village in Asatyen, along the Ketarid/Komirut road, became a major grain-trading market and slowly developed into a large town.
Hegemon Mordo ruled from the palace at Ketarid and fathered a son and heir. Oh, and also some daughters. Lord Shart, nicknamed “Weakgrip” rearranged the troop dispositions, and later shepherded human slaves to work farms in Iratush. Megar the Bull marched into the forests of Ramdegu with six thousand hobgoblin troops. The Ramdegans met him with twenty-five hundred lightly-armed militia. None of their Indahl brethren came to support them. The human commander was astute, and fought hard, but the end was never in doubt. The hobgoblins were more numerous and better trained, and though they lost hundreds of warriors, the Kolyut army soon subdued the humans. The Ramdegans revolted a second time when their conquerors began too loot their farms, but after a second bloody defeat, they went quietly when the hobgoblins took them in chains back to Iratush. |
The Rajahdan Peninsula
The Free Cities of Ruanach – Ruler –King Histro Capital – Fashanru Dominant Race – Human Dominant Religion – Changshai Spirit Cult |
The men of Ruanach lived an easy, carefree five years.
King Maglys died in 2874 at the age of forty-nine. His son Histro, then seventeen years old, was crowned king in his place. The fame of Fashanru and the promise of work at sea or on the docks led many to move into the capital. The city expanded well beyond its walls and sprawled inland. |
The Delves of Ahum – Ruler –King Tolman Redbelly Capital – Saumya Dominant Race – Halfling Dominant Religion – Nuree Diplomacy – Dhal [EA] |
King Tolman proudly named his little sister Poppy as a Princess Royal in 2875. He had intended the same honor for his little brother Pervinca, but the lad died of a bad fever in 2871.
Much of the effort of the nation’s leaders was bent on converting the sathla of the southern jungles to the worship of the Three-Faced god. Isumbras Lowstick preached the gospel in Assa; Turuk Daggermaker in Sauryas; and Hamfast Roughbelly in Amovish. Roughbelly died in Amovish in 2874. His sons continued to pay taxes to Saumya, but sent no more troops to the aid of the Delves. Lord Baris Dustybrook traveled to the human province of Dhal in the northwest. There, he found a bride for his king and convinced the men of Dhal to pay taxes and tribute to Saumya in exchange for the king’s protection. This also opened a land trade route to Virityal. Rollswift Slowwater, Sheriff of Pulkit, died in 2871. His son renewed his feudal vows to the king. |
The Orcish Raj of Virityal –
Ruler –Raj Algoz
Capital – Chharit
Dominant Race – Orc
Dominant Religion – Nuree
Thousands of orcs labored in the northeastern fields of Amutosh to dig wells, clear hillsides and fence meadows. The Raj also spent many talents of gold to aid in the improvement of Amutosh.
Raj Algoz, with Lord Porg, commanded the army in Chharit, while Prince Taurog governed Chharit and Lord Garsk govrned Kamadha. Meanwhile, lord Drendak, with two thousand orcish troops, descended yet again upon the jungles of Utaya and Amsurma, slaking the orcish lust for combat and raids. Practically nothing was left in the jungles of any value, but the orcs loved the raiding just the same. Eskerd, Warlord of Aballak, died during a duel in 2872. His heir continued to send taxes, but was no close ally of Algoz’s. |
The Empire of Rajahdan-
Ruler –Emperor Zlathex of the Jungles
Capital – Jalahl
Dominant Race – Sathla
Dominant Religion – Autumna
Diplomacy – Sankail [A], Gattapal [-], Assarat [-]
The sathla of Rajahdan continued to experience population pressures in the capital. Jalahl, already one of the great metropolises of Theeurth, continues to sprawl across the southern Rajahd plain in a vast labyrinth of streets, plazas, quarters and alleyways.
At the more bucolic end of the urban spectrum, a small town named Oriab on the shores of the Gates of Arthys began to grow in importance and was named provincial capital of Sankail. Emperor Zlathex sojourned in Sankail for several years, selecting a bride from among what passed for nobility in the western jungles. Her lineage was not long, but her sinuous form and sharp intelligence pleased the potentate. He made a close ally of her brother and sealed the bargain by fathering a daughter on his new bride. Elsewhere, a diplomatic comedy of errors prevented much from getting done. Lord Adohichii and N’basgus of Assarat went calling on Inzixl, lord of Gattapal. Meanwhile, Lord Kadath and Inzixl of Gattapal went calling on N’basgus, lord of Assarat. With neither target of diplomacy at home, everyone had fun hunting and eating and sent the bill to Zlathex. Lord Szychall guarded the northern border, then returned to the capital. |
Eastern Changshai
Anku Elevya –
Ruler –Regent Kril
Capital – Jinguir
Dominant Race – Saurus
Dominant Religion – Changshai Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Iapsengi [EA]
Regent Merujuk hired the elven mercenary diplomat Alandeth to represent Anku Elvya’s interests and set about reorganizing the shipping priorities of the realm from external trade to boosting the internal economy. Merujuk died of a stroke in 2872 and was replaced by the charismatic Augur Kril, for the boy-Emperor Vasileth V still had many years before reaching the age of majority.
Augur Kril, Toras Una and Lord Wano of Pekesedun traveled to Iapsengi to arrange a diplomatic marriage between the lord of that land and Readhu, the widow of the late Emperor. Alas, Readhu died before negotiations were complete. Nonetheless, Iapsengi agreed to return to the kingdom, being spared only the requirements of supplying military troops. Lord Ishtak guarded the homeland with a small army while the majority of Anku Elevya’s standing army was garrisoned in the capital. |
The Celestial Empire of Shen’xi
Ruler –Emperor Lou Tan
Capital – Wu Lan
Dominant Race – Human
Dominant Religion – Kifan
Diplomacy – Baoquin
King Lou Tan died childless and without an heir in 2878. Nonetheless, the Empire did not fall to pieces, as many had feared. Mei Wo, a distant cousin of the king was acclaimed by the army to be the new Emperor and there were few dissenting voices.
Lord Xan Chow, an exceedingly unlikable fellow, traveled the short distance to Baoquin and for many years harangued the populace about their scant loyalty to the Celestial Emperor. In the end, they agreed to send feudal troops to support the Emperor, if only to hear the end of Xan Chow. Tau Long of Zindeng died in 2878, leaving his province to the Emperor in his will. Lord Ling Tau, an imperial administrator, died in 2875, possibly of paper cuts or possibly of terminal boredom. |
The Lulipayat Empire
Ruler –Khathros IX
Capital – Kelakuan
Dominant Race – Sathla
Dominant Religion – Autumna
Diplomacy – Mukarma [FA]
The plucky Lulipayat sathla began to bounce back from their resounding defeat at the hands of the Anku Elevya sauruses. The homeguard army grew by a thousand and at six thousand was now a respectable force once again.
Emperor Khathros reorganized the trade fleets to favor the home ports, and ruled over the Empire while also fathering a boy and girl. Lord Thesk governed the capital until his death in 2875. Lord Chan Tao and Zhiao-Than, lord of Dentu, sailed across the Sapphire Sea to the human realm of Mukarma and there convinced the civilized men of that region to swear feudal allegiance to the Emperor in Kelakuan. |
The Serenity of Wayahapta
Ruler –King Alycor
Capital – Keluan
Dominant Race – Halfling
Dominant Religion – Changshai Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Ushuqua [EA], Waychaw [-HS]
The halflings of Wayahapta built many villages in and around the awesome temple complex of Kumpawi.
King Kelyor III excercised with his army in Keluan until his death in 2873. Meanwhile, a second force of halflings marched on patrol between Munkump and Tuqalashta for the entire five years. Prince Alycor became king in 2873 following his father’s death, but spent his time in the wilds of Ushuqua encouraging the humans of the island to permit Wayahapta to sell their goods. Lieutenant Medrassu traveled to Waychaw in an attempt to lure the humans back into an alliance with the Serenity. But his imperious demands and harsh threats annoyed the jungle men, who demanded that he leave and never return. Nuben of Kumi’pat died in 2871. His son was no friend of Alycor’s and simply ceased communications with the capital. |
The Dwarven Realm of Khudukan
Ruler –King Kodor
Capital – Nodo-Xan
Dominant Race – Dwarf
Dominant Religion – Chanshai Spirit Cult
The dwarves remained in splendid isolation doing…dwarvish things. |
The Empire of the Pearl
Ruler –Saito Shimane
Capital – Hitotome
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Kifan
Inoe, the central forests of the Pearl, grew in population and beauty as the native elves planted hearttrees in the upland vales.
The Emperor and his court withdrew to Hitotome and drew upon their very considerable elvish magic to pursue the killers of the Imperial magistrates in 2867. The rumor soon began to surface that Shimane was mad, and had descended into a sort of manic paranoia. It was whispered that he ran from his own shadow, hiding under the bed at night and blockaded his door with assorted furniture. Few believed such tales and they were soon put to rest by the Emperor himself, who openly walked the streets (albeit with many guards) and attended philosophical lectures and plays. |
Of greater public concern was a second attack on a public magistrate in 2872. This time, one of the assassins was caught. Under questioning, he revealed that he had been hired by none other than the Emperor Shimane himself.
The Jade Republic of Akagekku
Ruler –Khoram IV
Capital – Akagekku
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Kifan
As the Jade Republic became ever more fervently Kifan, almost to the point of theocracy, King Khoram IV created a census of his small but wealthy population.
Prince Edorel governed the small city of Habuti, while Lord Faressë governed the capital. Lord Findarwin traveled to Hitotome and recruited two thousand armored elven knights to serve the Republic. |
The Emerald Realm of Lekandi –
Ruler –King Galens Eagleheart
Capital – Suwelho
Dominant Race – Elf
Dominant Religion – Ukele Spirit Cult
Diplomacy – Kupenda [FA]
King Galens moved his small army from Lekandi to Fikosha, the better to guard against raids.
Elath Bloodspear continued to guard the capital with his larger army and was blessed with not one but two twin children, a boy and a girl. There was much celebration of this rare and blessed event! King Galens sent the boy an ironwood spear and the girl a duskwood lyre. Lord Juelans moved east into Kupenda and negotiated a treaty of vassalage with the Kupendan elves, who had long been expecting the move, as they bestrode the path to wealthy Fuama. |
GM’s Tip #19 –
Each turn, I will use this space to present a useful rules hint. Eventually, all of you will know what LOTE GM’s and experienced players know.
It is dangerous to have a charismatic general with a lot of troops. Just ask the Roman Republic.
Whenever a leader other than the King controls more than twice as many troops as the king at the end of the turn, there is a chance that leader will revolt and assume power. If this condition occurs, the GM compares the leader’s combined Combat and Charisma scores to the king’s combined Combat and Charisma (plus administration rating, if the king performed an effective Rule order that turn). If the leader’s total is higher, the GM makes a loyalty check for that leader. If the leader revolts, he will make a grab for power, possibly resulting in a civil war.
Heirs are somewhat less likely to become Strongmen.
Many players who are aware of this rule assume that they can circumvent it by having a general cough up his army to the king or a garrison at the end of the turn. Not in L54. The GM ignores the phrase “at the end of the turn” and applies the Strongman’s Overthrow conditions throughout the course of the turn.
Page Completed 28 August 2007